A cup of coffee and a book

I have been intrigued by Sue’s series A Cup of Coffee and a Book.  They are both things that I am seldom without when I’m at home.  It’s hotting up in my part of the world and a shady corner is becoming essential.  Sue is far more talented with her camera than me and has managed to include herself in some of the images.  When Debbie joined in, I knew I had to have a go.  Both ladies are an inspiration.  Take a look!


  1. There’s no greater pleasure in life or feeling of having a cup of coffee and a read . Fiction and psychological thrillers make up a lot of my book pile and I’m currently reading The Rival by Charlotte Duckworth. I’ve also been loving Emma Curtis books during lockdown.


  2. Hi Jo, I did visit both sites. I am always impressed how people can include themselves in a photo. When I try, I look like a camel. You remind me how it is getting hot in parts of our planet. Perfect for a book in a shady corner.🙂


  3. Even I have been drawn into attempting a still life and interior photography. My difficulty is finding a light source as most of our windows are Velux. Not sure I am ready to share them, though I could have used one for the lens-artist challenge last week. Too late now. 😊


    1. Yes, I thought about ‘At home’ but I’ve already posted my share around here. 🙂 🙂 I really like this concept, and while sitting with my invariable coffee after a walk I’ve taken a few shots- some with cake, of course! Happy bluebells!


  4. The coffee and a book are a wonderful idea in this time, Jo. I’m always either reading or writing, though not drinking much coffee right now. It’s so nice to see your cozy spot. How’s that book?


    1. Have you been following Sue’s series, Cathy? There’ve been some good ones, and Debbie amazes me with her work. 🙂 🙂 I’m enjoying the book. It took me a while to get into but I’m easily distracted.


  5. Me too, or a cup of tea. And I loved the Hare with the Amber Eyes. I read it ages ago, I think I may see if it is available at the library. Maybe even an ebook.


  6. Definitely two of my favorites. I am always reading two books and can’t live without coffee. Your picture took me back to a balcony I no longer have that was wonderful for morning coffee and a view. I haven’t the talent for photography like some, but I appreciate a good shot.


    1. I’m not a photographer, Connie, but I enjoy looking. Welcome to my place 🙂 🙂 No time to visit you this evening as I have a walk to write for tomorrow but I’ll be there as soon as I can.


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