Jo’s Monday walk : the marina

Shadows lengthen in Hartlepool marina

Shadows lengthen in Hartlepool marina

I’ve been scrolling back through my Monday walks, trying to decide where to take you next.  I still have a few, unshared, Algarve memories, but I think today we’ll just have a peaceful stroll around our marina.  I’m continuing my hassle free mood.  The Christmas rush will arrive soon enough.

Though the last few days here have been damp and dreary, last weekend the sunsets were liquid and beautiful.   Perfect for a stroll!  Dusk comes early at this time of year and, with the sun so low in the sky, the light and shade has a magic all its own.

The view from Jackson's Landing

The view from Jackson’s Landing

Looking down towards the marina

Looking down towards the marina

The colours reflect so well in the still water

The colours reflect so well in the calm water

The sun bounces from the flats to the water

The sun bounces off the apartments

And then fades!

And then fades!

You’ve probably noticed, I can always loiter by boats.  And with the sun descending into a liquid pool, the temptation is even greater.  I succumb every time!

The sun, lending highlights to the boats

The sun paints highlights on the boats

Caressing the red  lovingly

Lovingly caressing the red

And lighting up the water

Then sinking gently towards the water

Isn't it magical?

Magical, isn’t it?

I linger till the light's almost gone

I struggle to tear myself away!

Light is a deceptive thing because, as I look back, the boats appear still well lit.  I look towards the sea, and wonder if I might make it to the sea wall in the time remaining before sunset.

Looking back across the marina

Looking back across the marina

Beyond the lock gates, two overgrown, ramshackle piers reach out to meet their mate across the water.  There is a poignancy to them, with their neglected grassy tufts.  The new sea defense walls make them look very shabby, but it’s atmospheric out there, with the evening shadows.

Can you see the fishermen, huddled against the rocks?

Can you see the fishermen, huddled against the rocks?

The sun has almost set

A last dazzle of sunlight

A cycle path leads around the back of the apartment blocks, and back to Jackson’s landing, where we started out.  A smokey haze rests on the water as the final clouds drift up and away.

The clouds drift up and away

Dying light!

I hope you enjoyed my very local stroll this week.  No place like home?  I’ve had the saddest weekend and would like to extend huge thanks to my blogging friends.  They’re always there when I need them.  Spending time on this post helped a little to distract me from the sudden and tragic death of a dear friend and neighbour in the Algarve.

walking logo

If you’d like to join me on a walk, short or long, you’d be more than welcome.  The logo above will take you to my Jo’s Monday walks page.  Meanwhile, many thanks for all these great contributions.  Time to put the kettle on, and enjoy.

Jude’s having a great time in Australia!  Check this out  :

Dee Why Lagoon

Colline’s walk couldn’t be more different!  Brrrh!  🙂

A Walk through the Park

Drake’s a little early with his Christmas walk, but he’s off travelling soon  :

Early Christmas walk

Texan beauty is what we’ve come to expect from Amy.  You won’t be disappointed!

Enchanted Rock

Always nice to welcome someone new, especially on a waterfall walk  :

Handstands and Hiking

And loiter in some mysterious woods in Germany.  Thanks, Tobias!

Home Range II

Or you could go admiring clocks with Elena  :

Where is Solothurn?

You know Yvette’s always fun!  How about a train ride this week?

Triple Crossing Train Tracks

While Jill’s taking us where the trees are green  :

Eastwoodhill- a tree lover’s sanctuary

Have a great week of walking!  I hope your weather’s good.


  1. It was a wonderful walk, for and for us both. Thank you, Jo. 🙂
    You do make me want to go down, 100 miles south, to Galveston. I have not been there since before Hurricane Ike came through. We do have a small marina here where we live. All pleasure boats, no shipping or fishing boats so not very pretty or diverse. Ours is an inland man made lake, Lake Conroe.


  2. Jo, I’m sorry for your loss.
    Is that a grenade or bomb on the poppy memorial photo? I’m talking about that green metal object.
    You captured the most beautiful part of the day perfectly.


      1. You’re very welcome Jo 🙂 I do most of my shopping for Christmas online these days – much easier than posting to England. Hope you’ll start to feel better soon but it does take time, enjoy your quiet weekend 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. What a lovely place. It looks like a place one could spend hours just relaxing in the sun. A very nice series of photo. On a different note, I am sorry to read about your friend that has passed away. You have my sympathies.


  4. Hi, Jo. You live in such a beautiful area. The sunsetting and reflections are so beautiful. Of course, just being around water and boats is the best of therapies especially when hearing of such sad news. So unexpected which makes it worse. Hope you are feeling better. We’re still on our road trip and three days from getting home. Then, it’s catch up time.


    1. It really was, Lucy, then we’ve had a week of gloomy grey stuff! 😦 The sun was back today but I needed a few more jumpers. I can cope (in the short term!) You expect it to be cold at Christmas, don’t you? (though I would settle for a tropical island) 🙂


  5. Nice photos, especially with the soft sunlight. I took a walk with a group of friends to Lower Austria over the weekend. I do not have photos, but it was beautiful with early dinner at a heuriger (wine tavern) tucked in at the end of the walk.


  6. Dear Jo…as I walked with you I was thinking how calming and peaceful it is to walk by the water at this time of year, with the pale sunshine casting such tranquil reflections in the water and admiring your lovely photographs, but when I read your last paragraph I was deeply saddened to read of your news. I am so very sorry. I’m only just getting to your blog after taking a break since last week’s post and having the family home. Just know I’m thinking of you and now it is my turn to send you as many huge hugs as I possibly can… ❤


    1. Thanks, Sherri 🙂 I’m feeling lucky and very blessed right now. It’s been a terrible few days and I’ve had gastric problems too, but compared to Marie’s situation the sun is shining on me.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Paula! It was a real shock because he was fit and healthy when I last saw him on 6th November (and laughing at the way I lost my phone!) I’ve had a mild dose of food poisoning (or stomach virus, not sure which) in the last few days so a thoroughly miserable time all round. But I’m still very lucky not to be his wife. Her life fell apart overnight.
      Thank you 🙂


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