Six word Saturday

Many thanks for your kind thoughts

Whenever I’m feeling distressed I have an outlet.  It’s right here, with you lovely people.  It’s a huge reason why we blog, isn’t it?  Our emotional safety net, which means we can express our doubts and fears, however foolish, however irrational, and know that we will not be harshly judged.  You are immensely kind.  My thanks to you all for giving me this space.  Meanwhile, Debbie is busy circling, with Six Words.  Happy weekend!



  1. I felt so emotional reading this post! I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. It’s such a wonderful experience to have people say kind things. We’re living in a world where we’re always judged and it’s hard to get out of a negative space. Thanks for bringing sunshine on the internet. xoxo


  2. Absolutely in agreement with you, Jo. Though I don’t normally share that side of my life, there may be a day when I may. I know that this is a safe place, besides all the annoying spammers there are wonderful supportive bloggers like yourself out there. A few I have met, which was fun. Take care.


    1. I like to think about what I say, before I commit to ‘paper’, Suzanne. Face to face, I’m much better at saying ‘the wrong thing’. This works for me, until a real friendship develops, and I have made many on here. You’re always welcome in my place 🙂 🙂


  3. So true, Jo – it’s an overwhelmingly positive and supportive community! One I certainly (and cynically) never thought would be found online. We are lucky to have such a group!


  4. Hope you are feeling brighter Jo – just came on here after a while and saw this. Have posted a comment on your last post too. So sorry you’ve been feeling a bit low – it’s certainly a tough time emotionally especially when one has overseas family. I will catch up on your Monday walks soon – things have started to get busier here but we are of course tightly locked away from the rest of the world apart from “virtually”! I’m going to carry on posting but not sure how I’ll go with the new editor, which will be automatic from 1st June. I accidentally clicked on it a few posts ago and it took me ages to sort out the mess – I certainly didn’t find it very user friendly! Hope your weekend is going well and you’re feeling a bit better xx


      1. That would be good as the way it was presented on my site was that it was automatic for everyone from 1st June. I will have to try and get my head round it if there’s no other option but it was really frustrating when I accidentally tried to do a post with it before! 😂🤣😳


      2. Just scroll down to Admin at the bottom of the options and you should be able to access the old dashboard. They want to discourage us old dinosaurs, I think, but let’s fight back 🤣🤣

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    1. I’m not sure that there is a better till the situation changes, Carol, but life is becoming busier with less time to think. I’m wearing my sensible head for a while. 🙂 🙂 Thanks, hon!

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  5. There are so many colors of oleanders and they’re all lovely. Another WP update? Oh, no. What will that mean? Just when you feel you can relax. Hope your weekend is going well. We’ll be using AC next week!



  6. What a pretty shade of peach this blossom has. That is wonderful that blogging provides you with an “emotional safety net”. What I can say as well, is that I have met in person and digitally some of the most wonderfully kind and generous people via our blog and for that we both remain eternally grateful..



    1. I would agree with you there, Peta. I had a video chat with some of them this afternoon. The thanks are mainly in relation to my previous post 🙂 🙂


  7. Well, it’s all been said above, hasn’t it, but I’ll just add my 5 eggs to the mix anyway and say, just keep your head down and keep on keepin’ on. It’ll be OK when you get to the end and meantime, friends and acquaintances are sending good vibes and loving thoughts as a cooling breeze against your 30 degree heat. 30 degrees? You’ve gotta be kiddin’. I’m doubly wrapped up in a sweater and wrap, with socks on feet. I’ve just taken off the gardening gloves which I wore when I watered the garden and tied down the climbing roses which were waving about violently in the wind. It was nice though to hear people on the other side of my fence remark on the lovely smell from the roses and jasmine which escapes through the trellis, nice because my wonderful next door neighbour helped me – no, I helped her – yesterday, cut back the honeysuckle which was strangling the jasmine. I feel it was such a good job well done that I’ve taken the day off today and I’m being a slob, just reading the newspapers. Enjoy your weekend.


    1. I’d probably rather slit my throat than spend a day reading newspapers, Mari 🙂 🙂 Sticky evenings not below 21C. I may have to resort to AC later 😦 Evening walks, preferably at the beach, are the order of the day. Nothing to get cross about there, except that my youngest should be here enjoying it this week. Did you see that WordPress are updating the Editor on 1st June? I should stick to old style, if you can, otherwise trouble looms.


      1. Such a beautiful image with this post, Jo. And, I need to check out the WordPress editor to see if I can avoid being switched to the new format. Why in the midst of Covid, does WordPress think we need more stress in our lives?


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