Six word Saturday

Viva Mãe Soberana!  Viva  Mãe Soberana!

An emotional day in Loulé, last Sunday, celebrating the festival of Mae Soberana. 

For 15 years I’ve wanted to be a part of this ceremony.  The captions tell part of the story, but it’s a memory I hope will stay with me forever.

Impossible to share in Six Words, but I tried.  Viva Mãe Soberana!  Wishing you all a peaceful weekend.



  1. I love the passion and traditions of Portuguese culture. Now, this is the difference between being a visitor and staying put in one place for a while is the indepth knowledge you gain. Jo, it does look like every week your transition from the UK to Portugal is becoming easier.


    1. I was just thinking, after the first of our UK visitors have gone home, how very much like home this now feels, Suzanne. It was great to show them around but it’s lovely to settle back into our ‘real’ life. 🙂 🙂

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  2. How lovely you finally got to see this celebration Jo . On the continent let’s say really seem to know how to bring a community together with these kind of celebrations … considerable organisation involved too.
    I’ve found you in your new home ! Portugal 😉
    Life there with adjustments of course appears good Jo from the very quick look I’ve managed so far .
    Marvejols:) x


    1. How very wonderful to welcome you here, Poppy! I have just said goodbye to my friends from Newcastle this evening and you are a superb replacement. 🙂 🙂 Hope you are well?


      1. Aw Jo 😘
        All good thanks . I decided it was time to join in the fun once again 🙂
        Saying goodbyes is never nice , but I’m sure your friends will have had a brilliant time visiting with you . No doubt looking up return flights ASAP Lol
        Currently enjoyong a break in Cornwall and can’t quite believe our luck with the weather 🌞

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I never saw so many people take to the streets for an occasion like this, Gilly. It felt like all of Loulé were chanting ‘Viva!’ Astonishing 🙂 🙂 Love you, hon!


    1. The first part of the ceremony takes place on Easter Sunday, Debbie, and if we are in the Algarve we head for the streets of flowers in Sao Bras, so we’ve always missed that. The return trip is amazing. I never saw so many people thronging the streets of Loulé, even for Carnival. 🙂 🙂


  3. I have to plead ignorance here. You do seem to be going to a lot of religious celebrations since your move to Portugal. Wouldn’t be my thing, but it looks as though you are enjoying yourself. Does this mean you have found religion? Or just a passion for festivals?


    1. It’s simply the time of year, Jude. They carry her down from the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday and the return trip is the bit I’ve posted. It probably deserves more of an explanation than I’ve given in 6 words but the link to Wikipedia gives details, for anyone who’s interested. As I’ve said before, I’m not really religious but I do find belief fascinating and on this scale it is quite astounding to see so many people taking part. Maybe religion will grab me someday- who knows? And I’d probably be a better person for it. 🙂 🙂

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