Festival of leaves

I have a real fondness for leaf shadows

I have a real fondness for leaf shadows

And vivid colours

And vivid sunshine colours

But when it rains the choices are fewer

But on a misty rainy day, the berries look better

In the fog

Gleaming in the fog

Verena at Festival of Leaves has some glowing colours this week.  We’re clinging on to ours for dear life!



  1. You said a little fog and rain just for me haha However the sunny colours are just as wonderful. Love the berries and sheep! Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful photos!


  2. The leaves are half-gone here now–another type of beauty, especially in the sunshine and shadows. Your berries dripping dewdrops (or is it rain?) are gorgeous.


  3. Such beautiful leaves Jo and those berries look so inviting. I love the drops on them. Gleaming in the fog is my absolutely favourite. 😀


      1. Oh, that sounds awesome Jo and no problem. I am sure I will see them at some stage. 😀

        Happy days to you as well darling and are you enjoying your birthday? Eat a big slice of cake just for me please. ❤


  4. So beautiful leaves, Jo. Looks like gold hanging off those trees. Also love the sheep photo. That sheep is looking straight at you, probably wondering who you are and perhaps he or she wanted to make friends. Hope you had a lovely day 🙂


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