Six word Saturday


What time do you call this?

Silly o'clock in the morning?

Silly o’clock in the morning?

But this makes it all worthwhile

But this makes it all worthwhile

And this guy raised a smile!

And this guy made me smile!

My feet have barely touched the ground since I got back from Tavira yesterday afternoon, and before you know it I’ll have gone again!  Just time to gather up six words and a few photos, and to crave your indulgence as I try to catch up with you all.  Thank you so much for the wonderful comments and visits you have made.  Very ‘early doors’ on Thursday I’m heading to Poland with Dad, so sharing my happy memories will have to keep for a while.

How about a bird's eye view?

Just time for a bird’s eye view, from the Castle walls

And there's always time for flowers!

And there’s always time for flowers

From one of my favourite places

From one of my very favourite places

I will be fitting in one very English walk on Monday, before I go, so please join me then, if you can.  In the meantime, have a great weekend, and I’m sure you can find six words to share with Cate at Show My Face.



    1. I see it frequently, Gilly, but sometimes a little too early. I was up writing 6WS just after 5 this morning. Tired now! 🙂 Is this your Barca weekend? Have the best time, if so- or are you just back?

      Liked by 1 person

  1. It is so much more than silly! The photo with the lights reflecting and the tents in a row is gorgeous, Jo! I did see how you were meaning this to be light hearted, though!


  2. Wonderful views of a happy place. It obviously brings so much joy into your life and now you get to go to Poland with your father. How special. I look forward to the stories. 🙂


    1. I have to keep a travel diary, Lynne, or I’d have forgotten everything! The photos bring it all back but I need a little memory nudge too 🙂 Thank you, darlin’.


    1. The exhausting life, Debbie 🙂 Mick’s still complaining about his knee after last Thursday’s walk! Poor old soul. 🙂 I’m all sympathy! Poland will be more relaxed because I’ll be a guest. Thanks, hon. 🙂


    1. I have a culprit, Elaine. My son returns home most weekends with his washing and if I’m away there’s twice as much! My own fault really, but not so easy to do anything about. And then there’s Dad, of course 🙂 I would happily just blog and travel but I don’t seem to’ve managed it yet 🙂 Thanks, hon.


    1. I did, but am now paying the price for turning my back on the world for 5 minutes 🙂 (how is it possible to dirty THAT many clothes???) Will catch you soon, Rommel! Cheers 🙂


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