Beach walk reflections

You never can keep a good blogger down. I expect many of you remember Frank, from A Frank Angle. I came to know him as the life of his blog was coming to its close and we discovered a shared love of walking and beaches. Where we differ is that Frank likes to ponder the mysteries of life on his wanderings. I just skim the surface. So, if you feel like a good ponder I’m sure you’ll be interested in Frank’s new blog, Beach Walk Reflections. Here’s a little taste of what you can expect.

Embed from Getty Images

I like walking on the beach. It is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

Ever think about seeds? They seem so simple at a glance – even on closer examination. We typically think of a hard, thin outer shell with a softer inside. 

On the other hand, this seemingly plain object is the beginning of something new – something beautiful – something useful – a green plant that can be as simple as grass or are grand as a large tree.

Earth’s annual regeneration of seeds for release (many in the fall) – possibly covered by winter snows – yet ready for renewal in the spring so the cycle can repeat – all this with its goal of perpetuating the species.

I think of the farmer preparing the land before planting the seeds. Whether scattering the seeds randomly or planting them in straight rows with distinct spacing, time delivers something that belongs to all of us – bountiful crops and flowers. 

As I walk, trees are sparse – only found on the grounds of some condominiums – although they are naturally found a short distance away from this beach. I think about a forest. Somewhere in that forest’s history, there was a time of one tree – the first tree. One tree that came from a seed. From that one tree came other trees – each coming from a seed.

I think about the sizes and shapes of seeds – from the tiniest orchid seed to a type of coconut containing the largest seed – shapes as squares, oblong, angular, triangles, round, egg-shaped, bean-shaped, kidney-shaped, discs, and spheres. Some seeds with lines and ridges – others perfectly smooth – plus in a variety of colors, and some even speckled.  

A seed has three components – an outer protective coat, the embryo for growing into a new plant, and the food source giving the embryo and young plant its initial food source for growth – all aspects for increasing a chance for survival.

Ever notice how leaves sprout early from a seed? Yes, leaves for producing food for the youthful, growing plant because the initial food source is small. 

Seeds hold the potential to produce something new because they contain hope and promise for something new. But not all plants use seeds for reproduction. For instance, mosses or ferns do not  – but seed plants are the ones that dominate the plant world. 

This causes me to think about our fertility – that is, the seeds within us. The promises that we hold that can produce a bountiful yield.

Interesting that the sperm of human males are called seeds, but in the plant world, seeds are something produced after the sperm fertilizes the egg.

Seeds are mobile, so they must have adaptations to move them around – a method of dispersal. Some have wings to be carried by the wind. Some have barbs, burrs, or hooks to attach to fur, feathers, or even human clothing to be dropped elsewhere. Some are buoyant so moving water can transport them. Others are surrounded by fleshy fruit that will be eaten, therefore the seeds can be exposed and deposited elsewhere for potential growth. 

I remember the large oak trees at my previous home. Each producing a bountiful supply of acorns – but not the same number each year. Each acorn with a coat, an embryo, and food supply. Each acorn is the potential for a new oak tree. However, all those acorns from one tree – a culinary feast for squirrels preparing for winter – so I wonder how many of all those acorns will yield their acorns in time. 

Seeds are that structure we plant in fertile soil and associate with terms as vigor, viability, dormancy, and germination. Seeds are also a source for food, oils, cooking ingredients, flavorings, jewelry, and even deadly poisons.

Besides a simple design yielding a complex adult, the seed is also a useful metaphor.

People are hidden seeds waiting to become viable vessels of knowledge. Because every seed has the potential for a significant result, seeds are a symbol for the potential that is in each of us for a positive future – a power of hope and possibility. Teachers hope to plant a seed in students – a seed that develops over time into something valued by others and society – their role in cultivating humanity.

Seeds are the ideas coming to us from thinking. The something that initiated a thought process that leads to personal action for improving life. The seeds of discovery lie in the knowledge of determination through the human spirit.

I think about how each of us has a bright side and a dark side – the good seeds and the bad seeds. Seeds are a symbol for laying the groundwork for future development as planting the seed – but some use planting the seed for promoting negative feelings or a downfall.

Religions rely on the seeds of faith while politics prefers manipulating the seeds for selfishness.  

A heart contains seeds of love that are waiting to sprout a new life with that special someone.

I think about how entrepreneurs use “seed money” for starting a new business. I also remember during my youth using “bird feed” or “chicken feed” as a term for a small amount of anything – something paltry or minuscule in amount.

Seeds – that simple, interesting, incredible, and successful biological design found in nature that plays a large role in human life. I don’t recall what triggered thinking about seeds on this day, but it has been an interesting mental journey and exercise as I walk. After all, I like walking on the beach because it is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

Join Frank on Tuesday, 20th October to enjoy some Beach Walk Reflections


  1. The sand formation on the second picture is fantastic. I would love to visit that place. Mother nature is very creative and its simplicity and intricacy is astonishing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for introducing a new and amazing blogger to me, Jo. Franks writing made for a fantastic read and made me think about life in more detail. We’ve been growing plants and trees from seeds for the past two years, and I have to say it is one of the most cherished experiences for the whole family. Seeing a new life emerge from a tiny speck thought me to appreciate nature even more. Thanks for sharing and have a good day 😀 Aiva

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Photocentric, your word in the comments really hit home here . Made me think of how I got on to blogging for the love of words. Along the way I discovered photography, the value it added, the eyeballs it grabbed and the rush was amazing. This post planted a seed in my mind- words have their charm and they can take you on a multidimensional ride. 😊 Interesting share, Jo.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jo,
    Thanks for doing this for me. Comparing starting this blog to when I first started is an interesting thought in itself. As you can see, I interacted with all the comments and taken in their statements. Hope to see you on future Beach Walk Reflections!


    1. Hopefully found you some new friends as well as the old ones, Frank. Sorry I didn’t include the video. It wouldn’t copy and paste so I used my initiative and one of my own photos. Hope you didn’t mind? 🙂 🙂 Good luck, and happy blogging!


  5. Hey restless jo- this was really nice of you to promote and introduce Frank to your readers – ((your huge following))
    And I think Frank is a special person and I am delighted he has decided to come back and blog in a new format!
    And jo / it reminds me a little of what you and I talked about regarding our blog modes – breaks – and changes / guess we all are different as our interests and blog needs change –
    Hope your week is going well

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yvette,

      Thanks for the kind words. I smiled to see a blogger I know as the first comment! And your comment reminds me of one of my favorite sayings – Blog breaks are good. Hope you stop by Beach Walk Reflections.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. There’s scope for all kinds of blogs, isn’t there, Yvette, and it’s always interesting to see new approaches.
      Life was sailing along happily here, until the State of Emergency was declared again, from today. Precautionary I think, trying to keep the numbers down. They are low in the Algarve and we need them to stay that way. Groups can’t exceed 5, (from the 10 it’s been for a month or so). Swift readjustment to today’s walk 🙂 🙂 Stay safe!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Interesting poetic journey, so thanks for sharing his ponderings. Walking on the beach is the perfect setting for that. I read in the comments about the difficulties with and loss of sustained concentration and remember reading an article that suggested spending one day offline a week could aid our concentration immensely. Unlike aging for which there is no easy fix.


    1. True enough, Amanda. One of the reasons I suspended my Monday walks was to give me enough time to sit with a book. And here I find myself in Becky’s daily challenge. No willpower, some folks 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Forestwood,
      Thanks for your thoughts. I don’t consider myself a poet, so describing my walk as “poetic” made me feel great! Thank you. To follow your lead, it is interesting how some days the sustained thought comes easy, but other days to so … but in time, it works for me. Thanks for visiting and following Beach Walk Reflections.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. beautiful reflections on seeds, Jo. it reminds me of the parable of the mustard seed. the smallest yet grandest given proper attention and nourishment. thanks for sharing. your photos are stunning 🙂 🙂


  8. I’m sure his blog is very interesting, but like Margaret I find long pieces online hard to concentrate on, which is why I usually have more photos than words. But lovely of you to introduce his blog to us.


    1. We’ve all become photocentric, if that’s the word, haven’t we? Yet when I started the blog I was thinking of myself as a writer. I do fully agree with both of you though. When I want to pick up a book, I pick up a book. But sometimes the view distracts me 🤣🤣💕


  9. Interesting. What I do know about myself is that screen-reading and reflective pieces don’t match for me. Anything that demands proper reading has to be on the printed page – hence why my own posts are rarely that serious. So I’ll give these posts a chance, but I’d sooner read ‘the book of the film’.


      1. But how thoughtful of him to reply to me. I’m following him now, and I’m sure I’ll get a lot from his posts. You’re pretty much a sweetheart yourself too!


    1. Margaret,
      Thanks for your honesty. Not all blogs are for everybody, therefore a reason why blogs come in many forms. It is important to match the reader and the author. Maybe some of my walks will be interesting to you, so I hope you give them a chance. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  10. I enjoy your musings, Jo, and his look interesting as well. I’m going to follow and see how it goes. 🙂 I was reading just yesterday that many seem to be losing their ability for sustained concentration. Certainly the internet aids in that. These reflections go a small way in the other direction. Thanks for sharing and I hope you’re having a lovely mid-week.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Janet,
      Thanks for your thoughts. I agree with your thought about how the internet can work against sustained thought. This is a sample walk, so each walk will have a different topic – so all will be sustained. Nonetheless, hope you give them a chance.

      Liked by 2 people

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