Six word Saturday

Taking time to relax in Tavira.

You knew I couldn’t resist it, didn’t you?  I feel relaxed just looking at these.  Warm summer evenings in Tavira.  Magical moments.

I can just squeeze this in before the next Lens Artists Photo Challenge.  Thanks, Amy!  I wonder what’s coming next?  I couldn’t possibly disagree with Debbie this week.  Got your Six Words ready?  Wishing you a happy Saturday, and rain for those who need it.


  1. Pingback: Six word Saturday — restlessjo – SEO
      1. I quite enjoyed the lifestyle of sitting and drinking until about 10pm when it was time for dinner in the European summer. Back in the Australian winter it’s dark and I’m eating around 6pm.


  2. Magical moments and magical photos, Jo. Your photos are beautiful and make me want to be there. Although, I have no complaints about the temperature and surroundings I am in with Zesty right now. 🙂 Greetings from the mountains of Colorado.


    1. Thanks for making time to stop by and the kind words, Liesbet. 🙂 🙂 My favourite post is often my current one but this week’s walk has me wishing I was there again. But you have to be careful what you wish for, don’t you? Temperatures are in the high 30s right now and that’s too high for me! Looking forward to seeing Colorado with you. 🙂


  3. Great night time shots, I love the one with the daisies (?) in front 🙂

    We’ve had rain here too for most of the weekend, and though I could live with sunshine all year I’m happy to see the wet stuff for once – at least the moorland fire should be well and truly out now 🙂


    1. I think it’s the first time I can remember that people haven’t had long faces about the rain, Eunice. It finally cleared here yesterday evening and we went out for a short stroll, just to be out! It felt wonderful 🙂 🙂 Thanks a lot!


      1. I had a t-shirt from Arles with that scene. It’s one of my favorite. And I made a mistake. It’s Van Gogh, not Monet. Van Gogh had lived in Arles, chopped his ear off and got sent to a sanitarium for a brief bit there.


    1. Yes 🙂 🙂 I was thinking about Scotland for our anniversary weekend (12th) but then I remembered the famous midges. 😦 Plus it’s hard to get himself to drive that far. Probably settle for Northumberland coast. Hardly dare look ahead at the weather. It’s pouring today 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Train up for a city break? We had heavy rain overnight and part of this morning, but it’s cleared up now so I had a dry but humid dog walk. Good job the public transport’s good in Portugal babe x:-)x


      2. Not a bad idea but he’s not really a city type either. Where did I find him? 🙂 🙂 We’re doing Warkworth. There are some lovely walks up there so keep your fingers crossed for the weather. He doesn’t mind driving in Portugal because the roads are mostly quieter. Ooh- you can stay up late- no work tomorrow 🙂


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