Jo’s Monday walk : That bridge, and beyond

Last week I guess I cheated a little on my walk in Kraków. There was a bit too much sitting about at the riverside, but it was a very warm day so I make no apologies.  I knew I’d be making up for it.  ‘Obiad’ was rather special, with a big family gathering for my last night, and all was peaceful in the house next morning.  Time to slip away, and savour my last few hours in the city.

I was warned that ‘Saturday service’ on transport would be different, but I was lucky and bus 178 sped me into town.  Rattling over Most Jozefa Pilsudskiego, I spotted my bridge with the intriguing sculptures in the distance and hopped off.  Walking back on ul. Krakowska, I noticed a plaque commemorating Jan Pawel Drugie, Pope John Paul II.  I hesitated there on the pavement, thoughts of Dad suddenly filling my head.  Pushing open the heavy wooden door, I slipped inside the church to light a candle.  Without him, I never would have been here in Kraków.

Out again, into warm and hazy sunshine, it was on with my quest.  Pausing to look at the map on the bridge Jozefa Pilsudskiego, I was more taken with details of how the city once looked than in absorbing my whereabouts.  A common fault of mine.  I have a hopeless track record on following maps.  Fortunately I’m much better at finding beautiful bridges.

This one, ‘Between the water and the sky’, had called to me since first I saw it.  I was mesmerised.  You do, however, have to beware of cyclists.

I got ‘honked’ at as I daydreamed beneath the sculptures.  Apparently it’s supposed to have a ‘cyclists only’ path.  I’m not the only one to have been captivated.  The ubiquitous love locks have made an assault on the bridge, but nothing can detract from it.  Kładka Ojca Bernatka, or the Father Bernatek Footbridge, was opened in September, 2010, on the site of a former road bridge dismantled in 1925.  The 130 metre structure, designed by Andrzej Getter, has no supports and is suspended upon an arch.  The wonderful acrobatic sculptures are the work of Jerzy Kędziora.  The districts of Kazimierz and Podgórze are linked once more, which will benefit the latter.

Tearing my attention from the bridge, it was time to investigate the corten steel clad building, which turned out to be the former power station in Podgórze.  Now an exhibition space and cafe, as it was 10.45am and opening time not till 11.00, I decided to push on and explore the area.

It’s a bit ramshackle in places, but turning onto Rynek Podgórskie I looked across a huge space at a striking church.  Sw. Jozefa w Krakowie Podgórzu had a delightful surprise awaiting me.  But first, a peep inside.  Dressed all in finery, as befits a wedding.  I dared not linger.

But outside, behind the church, an invitation to a wonderful garden.  Mounting the steps I looked down upon a grotto and out across the rooftops.  A young couple, similarly entranced, were taking detailed photos, so I bided my time.  As I descended a sprinkler played across the flowerbeds, a mist of water catching me out.  You can see the droplets, if you look closely.

A smile still on my face, it was time to retrace my steps across the bridge.  Naturally I couldn’t resist a few more shots.  I needed a coffee, but the big old wooden barge ‘Barka’ was closed, and smart ‘Augusta’ was busy with a conference.  That left me one other option.  A smaller boat with a comfy seat on deck, and a view.  Two guys in a blow-up dinghy drifted by and waved.  I smiled and waved back.

Wondering about cake?  I was good on this occasion, but with a venue for later in mind.  First I had a walk along the riverbank.  Music was drifting across the river from the big stage at Termy Krakowskie, a nicely relaxed vibe, as my son would say.  He’d love it.

Boat hire was quiet, but Wawel Castle looked Saturday busy.  Any ideas where I’m heading?  Hotel Pod Wawelem has a roof top restaurant, as the name indicates, directly below the castle.  No doubt about it- cake with a view!

Fully satisfied, the trip wouldn’t be complete without paying my respects to Wawel.  Even on a busy Saturday, the place is sublime.

‘Home’ one last time.  Just one more Reminiscences from Poland to come and that will be my trip complete.  Already it feels distant.

I hope you enjoyed sharing Kraków with me.  Time to put that kettle on for this week’s walks.  Many thanks, everyone!  Join me here at any time on Jo’s Monday walk.  You’ll always be welcome.


One of Debbie’s loves is street art.  She was richly rewarded in Madrid :

This is a Square

Drake has been captivating me with a series of photos of the island of Gozo :

When bath rocks

An enigmatic title from Jackie this week :

Snakes and Lattes

Lady Lee sets the world on fire, but don’t worry- it’s quite safe!

Summer solstice bonfire

Gunta shares more of the beautiful, natural world on her doorstep :

A stroll through the meadow

Share some ‘lolling kangaroos’ with Pauline.  She’ll be delighted if you do :

Australia’s iconic creatures

Or hoof it from snow to ‘shy rays of brightness’ with Susan :

Walking a rainforest trail in Olympic National Park

A heart stopping moment, just looking at one of Cathy’s photos.  Don’t miss it!

Ottos’s Trail & The Devils Kitchen Trail at Colorado National Monument

And if you have time to spare you could join Indra on Prince Edward Island :

PIE (PEI) in the Ocean

That’s it for another week.  Can you believe, we have a drop of rain here in the north east?  I’d forgotten what it’s like.  Have a good one!


  1. This is a wonderful post, Jo. I loved your pictures. That bridge and the acrobatic sculptures would fascinate me for hours too. When I tour with my hubby and sons, I am always the last one to leave any site as I am always transfixed by artworks and beauty.


    1. Because I’ve been to their city many times my Polish family let me wander at will, and I love that. At first they were very protective and I was ‘chaperoned’ everywhere 🙂 🙂


  2. hi Jo
    as usual – your post has those unique high quality photos that bring us culture from your view!
    and so much artsy takes with the photos you combined here – i viewed them small and then large to have enjoyed various perspectives


    1. Thanks for sticking with it and finding something to like, Yvette. As I think I point out in Marsha’s post, I prefer to have control and do things my way. It may be a hobby but it features quite largely in my life. But we all have our own style. Sending hugs 🤗💕💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. yeah – and the way it features in your life and your professional and unique approach – and dedication with inclusiveness – just in my very humble opinion the term hobby blogger is an insult to the work you do here and the posts you deliver
        i know blogger can be defined many ways – the operational definition varies for many words and constructs and as i just connected with marsha about that (she sure is gracious and awesome) but i despise the term and most bloggers i follow are nkt mere hobby bloggers – even tho i think wordprsss came up with the term for some of their package deals
        but lately the term seems to be showing up more and more and i just feel irked by it.
        had no idea it was a phrase that would irk me
        and again – it comes down to how we define hobby
        to me
        hubby blogging needs to stick behind the scenes with wordpress categories and some bloggers are diminished by such a grouping
        and really what sobered me was seeing your blog described as that!
        years of your contributing here
        with your professional like photos and places featured that carry many away
        your walks and you inclusivity to newbies and regal jars alike
        i’d say this is your life’s work and bit of legacy
        your art and your essence and perhaps never fit the category of hobby
        no way
        coming here consistently with your art and its richness and your time and dedication
        so much more than a mere hobby and that phrase absolutely sucks
        i will stop my rant


      2. Bless you, I loved your rant! I was cheering you on, and it reflects very nicely on me- thank you! It’s good that you care, Yvette. I think Marsha has a very different background and sees things differently. End of! 🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. yes – and she is not the only one woh uses the term so nothing many towards her at all – ad as noted – I did reach out to her so she is not caught off guard by my rant – lol
        and end of — for now
        because I do plan on posting about it this week
        and will link you if I do
        anyhow have a great day and TTYL

        Liked by 1 person

  3. The acrobatic sculptures on the bridge…what a surprise. I’m so glad I’ve been joining you on your walks as I’ve never been to Poland. Krakow looks like a wonderful city to explore. My grandmother’s parents on my mother’s side came from Poland but I have not idea from where.


  4. Any day would be a Wawel day for me if I lived in Krakow, or even if I visited this city as often as you are able, Jo! Can’t thank you enough for reviving my memories.


  5. Oh, Krakow. I’d have been mesmerized by that bridge, too. Your walk made me a little wistful. The few times I was in Krakow were so short. I didn’t have time to meander. I was always in transit on my way to my cousins’ place in the very south. At least I could vicariously do it through your post. 🙂


    1. I love that the city can still surprise me, after all these visits Julie, and yet I equally love the comfort of being able to wander there, relaxed and familiar. But with a tinge of sadness because I don’t know when I might return. 🙂 🙂 Thanks for keeping me company.


  6. I’ve so much enjoyed reading this walk Jo – wonderful to get the perspective of seeing Krakow through your eyes. The bridge is a fascinating structure and I love the idea of uniting those two neighbourhoods. Wawel Castle looks magnificent and you picked a superb location to enjoy a slice of cake! 🙂 🙂


    1. Szarlotka, Rosemay- hot apple tart 🙂 🙂 Looking back, I had such a lovely time in Poland. Who knows when I’ll be back? Jobs done and settled in watching men’s quarter finals day at Wimbledon. Take care, darlin!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. What a place! I’ve always liked the symbolism of bridges and this one is a knockout. There’s just so much fascinating detail to see, everywhere you turn. You’ve been to that rooftop restaurant before haven’t you? I’ll have to go to Krakow 🙂
    Hope you’re okay my lovely, I’m afraid I’ve been a bit absent lately, just enjoying summer x:-)x


    1. Enjoying summer is a good place to be, Gilly. 🙂 🙂 We’ve lost it up here but I’m hoping to get it back tomorrow when I go Tall Ship sailing for Mick’s birthday surprise. I used a photo for Becky’s squares, but it’s the one and only time I’ve been there. (she is SO busy, poor love 😦 ). Hugs, sweetheart! This is my Lisa’s bridge. They stayed close by last year.


    1. These days, with high rise this and that, it’s sometimes hard to see how it would have been, but with so many churches and old buildings it’s easy in Krakow to piece together the past. 🙂 🙂 My daughter stayed right near this bridge when she was there last year.


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