Sunshine after the rain

I’ve had the song running through my head since I read Ana’s post on Saturday. The sun will come out tomorrow is almost guaranteed in my present home in the Algarve. But it wasn’t always so. Back in the north east of England there were as many grey days as blue. I’m one of the lucky ones, who’ve managed to turn the dream into reality, and I try to be grateful for that every day.

Rain, here, is something to be cherished, though I didn’t actually tap-dance, Gene Kelly style, when the heavens opened last week. I did watch, awe-struck, as the lightning rolled and the thunder clapped. And marvelled afterwards at the fresh green beauty of my world.

I find the salt pans almost as lovely under leaden skies, but there is no denying the joy I feel when sunlight glints on the water. The world sparkles with a magic all its own. It fills me with hope for a brighter and better future. If only we can make it happen.


  1. Nothing like the bright sunshine to lift the spirits. I am fascinated by thunderstorms and we certainly get our share in summer months. Even though we have a long winter we have scads of sunshine. I would be challenged to live under gloomy skies all the time. Enjoy your Portuguese paradise! xo


  2. Oh dear, was the slipping due to wine or the unusual weather conditions. Anyway, I hope it is on the mend, Jo.
    And I loved the sunny images with all those shadows and reflections.
    Take care x


    1. 10 minutes from our destination, Debs, I’d obviously stopped focusing on my feet and started to think about lunch, when whoops! Down I go. 😦 😦 Had to anaesthetise with wine- tragic! 🙂


  3. Sending healing vibes along to you Jo, and I hope the arm gets better soon. Wine is a good stabiliser and a drop of brandy in the morning coffee has definite pick-me-up features. Lovely photos as usual and glad to see someone’s tried the collage block. I haven’t bothered with anything more than Gallery and Image, perhaps I should be more adventurous. We are currently listed as the safest place in the UK (there’s some use in being an island) but it means that we are attracting some late autumn visitors and care still needs to be taken, so I’m doubling up on everything when I go for a walk, face-mask, sanitiser, distancing. Hope you keep well and safe – it seems avoiding this curse is impossible – I’m beginning to get a bit fatalistic about the whole thing.


    1. And well you might, Mari. I don’t think there’s any such thing as safety. A relatively young and fit guy I know is currently in Faro hospital on oxygen and a variety of drips, so there is no doubt that this virus is out there and it means business. A scraped, messy arm doesn’t seem much in comparison, but I will certainly be having wine with my supper tonight. 🙂 🙂 And I’ve had a little play with the galleries but they’re not as versatile as they could be. Sending hugs!


      1. When I saw the post title I immediately got the song of the same name in my head, it was by Berri and was a popular one in the nightclub where I worked as a dancer in the mid 90s 🙂

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    1. Thanks, Margaret. 🙂 🙂 I’ve tried it a few times. What don’t like is that you can’t open it up as a gallery for a closer look at individual photos, but it’s nice to ring the changes. Good day yesterday? I fell on my backside on a damp slippy bit and have to have wine to ‘stabilise’ me 🙂

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      1. Not bad but we are now the 5th most dangerous area in the country for covid infections so being especially careful right now. Double face masks!
        Planning our post pandemic travels. Kim wants to drive the west coast of Portugal.

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      2. Sounds like a good plan 🙂 🙂 There’s no escape from this thing though, Andrew. We’ve been good and obedient citizens here but our crowket (sorry- still missing a _) club had to close last week and a founder member is in hospital on oxygen and a drip feed. He seemed the fittest, cheeriest person till this. We have worn masks and distanced but it’s out there somewhere.


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