Which kind for you?

It’s been a while since we shared cake, hasn’t it? Which kind do you like? Deep lemon meringue pie perhaps. Chocolate slice. Or that ‘oh so gooey’ marzipan confection. My excuse today is Su’s Virtual Tea Party and the need to share a few thoughts.

Here in Portugal a State of Calamity has again been declared. From today group sizes are restricted to 5 (an ‘awkward’ number), down from 10, and restaurant seatings adjusted accordingly. In the Algarve it’s another blue sky day in paradise. Figures are still low here and we’re hoping this is a precautionary measure. A swift adjustment to our thinking means we can still walk today in the countryside, as planned, and dine together afterwards, split between two tables. We are so lucky to have the climate that we do, and the warmth of friendship to share our troubles. Many of us have family abroad whom we struggle to see. But it’s put a brave face on, choose your beverage and slip on over to Su’s place. Even when she’s feeling down, she’ll pick you up. And you know you can always rely on Becky.

Now… about that cake?



  1. Your positive attitude shines through Jo. Hopefully things don’t worsen in Portugal. It sounds like the powers at be are being proactive.
    Chocolate for me and Dave says yes please to the lemon meringue.


    1. I gather the hospitals up north are at capacity in some cases, and capacity here is relatively small so we do need to be careful, Sue. We’ve had too much freedom here to sacrifice it willingly, and we’re not sure how big a disaster it would be to contract the virus, but we’re not especially keen to volunteer. Yes, let’s just eat cake and smile 🙂 🙂

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  2. With your lovely company and others anything will do 🙂 . If pushed, I would chose chocolate as it goes so well with a long black espresso. Jo, good to hear you’re still enjoying your walks. Better to be cautious than sorry, so good on Portugal.


    1. We will carry on walking, in 4s or 5s, or just us, Suzanne. Winter is the best time for that here, though there’s promise of rain next week. It might just be a teaspoonful- you never know till It’s here 🙂 🙂


  3. Oh, I’ve never had marzipan cake. Can I try a bite of that and then decide on the chocolate slice? I think the best thing during this pandemic for people who live in the Algarve is the climate, so long as outside meetings remain possible. In the northern hemisphere winter is upon us and I think it will be tough for most to isolate and not socialize for another six months…


    1. Marzipan cake is very sweet, Liesbet, so maybe just a taste… Like us you probably get enough exercise that it’s not a problem, but I seem to remember you’re not big on cake? 🙂 🙂 I imagine I will have to sacrifice t’ai chi this weekend. It will probably continue on Zoom and I’m not a fan.


      1. Mark and I (especially Mark) try not to eat too much sugar, but I love the taste and consistency of cake. In Europe it is much more prominent than in the US. Yesterday, I discovered leftover cornbread in my mother-in-law’s kitchen and cut off a piece to top my bowl of ice cream (another rare treat), just because I craved cake. Cornbread is not the same! 🙂 Such are the spoils of having family with a freezer and an oven. Tomorrow, it’s back to a small fridge and no oven around for miles. Maybe I should grab another bowl of ice cream this afternoon?

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  4. Hard to pick one. But I’ll go with the lemon pie. This Covid thing is nuts. We’re staying about the same here in the SE US. But the local news said one of the hospitals is getting their plan in place for the vaccine. So maybe by spring we will be free. Many of my friends have caught it, all did ok except one, she was 74. So lets hope for better days real soon, if you re going to eat all these goodies you need to walk under that beautiful blue sky


    1. I only know a couple of people who’ve had it, some with a worse reaction than others. It’s much more prevalent back in the UK, but that’s a small, densely populated country. I understand that in Lisbon and the north some hospitals are at capacity so it’s vital to prevent the spread. We are continuing as normal here, but with extreme care, Alice. Stay well! 🙂 🙂

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  5. A virtual tea party sounds fantastic! What a great idea 🙂

    My ultimate favourite cake is chocolate fudge cake, but I haven’t had it for years (I don’t think I’ve come across a gluten-free & dairy-free chocolate fudge cake yet).


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