Simple fare

Funny how different we are!  My husband loves these little pinwheels coated in white chocolate, or a Kitkat.  Me, I’m happy with a digestive.  I can dunk it, or eat it covered in crumbly cheese.  I really don’t mind.  The one immutable is coffee, when I first get out of bed.

Don’t you love the tiny Portuguese cups?  Ideal size for a bica, but seldom used in my home.  If we have a tradesman at the house I always hesitantly offer coffee.  Often the response is a rueful head shake.  Sometimes a polite request for water.  Leaving me in no doubt that my coffee making skills are far below par.  How do they know?  My reputation appears to have traveled.

The sturdy tray was decoupaged for me by my daughter, as a useful gift to carry my cuppa all the way up to the roof terrace.  I am a bit prone to get two thirds of the way up, a cup in one hand, plate in the other and a book or two under my arm, and trip….  Ribbon cascades of coffee down white walls… not a good look!

So what’s new in the Algarve right now?  Su started Teatime in the blogosphere to nourish and cheer us all up in gloomy times.  I’m happy to say that gradually the gloom is rolling back, here.  With caution.  Our restaurants and cafés have been open for a couple of weeks, and we are becoming more relaxed about meeting in small groups.  Masks are still mandatory in enclosed spaces.  And still no touching, though I find it hard not to lay a sympathetic hand on an arm.  Full blown hugs feel a long way off.  Cake isn’t really a consolation for that, but it’s all I can offer, for now.

Do help yourself!  I hope things are getting better in your part of the world?


  1. Thanks for the cake and tea…virtually delicious! Best of all, shared with a blogger friend. Been wearing mask since end of Feb., it’s kind of part of my routine now. Went around stores with wife yesterday, it was nice to have some normalcy but it still worries me now that California is a hot spot for COVID-19. Life has to go on… safely of course and we should not stop the little things that make us feel alive and human. Take care my friend. 🙏


      1. Us too. We are a few times outdoors . My take on the virus is also my take it my life, if it happens , it’s meant to happen. We can’t live a life of fear. Take care my friend.


  2. I think different is great when it comes to goodies, everyone gets their favourite and no need to fight for that last one! Makes the shopping & baking a little challenging though.

    Must admit that I am a sweetie fiend – but I have a soft spot for digestives too! I keep a roll in my snack basket for the munchies! My favourite way to eat them now is to crumble them over Greek yogurt & berries (the yogurt makes me feel a little virtuous).


    1. Coffee with coconut haystacks right now, but we’ve earned them on a 12 km too hot walk. 😉 Am a bit slow with my visiting this week but I’ll get there eventually. Thanks for your company 🍰🥧💕


      1. Nice! Went for a long walk Monday this week with my hubby – rewarded ourselves with ‘designer’ icecream at a booth – so delicious (for me Frozen Cherry yoghurt and Salted Caramel, for him Honeycomb crunch and the most amazing lemon sorbet!)

        Liked by 1 person

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