Jo’s Monday walk : Boa Vista

Clouds seldom make an appearance on here.  I’m a sunny sort of lass!  But they can be very beautiful.  Slogging up a hill called Boa Vista, I didn’t mind too much that the sun wasn’t beating down on my head.  The shafts of light piercing the water held my gaze captive for at least as long as it took for my breathing to return to normal.

Leaving Tavira by the N270, towards Sao Bras de Alportel, you very soon come upon a sign for Hortas, on the right.  This walk is vaguely in that direction, taking in a tiny bit of PR11.  I did look back at my diary for that day, but the notes are very non specific, so the photos will have to tell the story.  With a bit of prompting from me, of course.

As these things often do, we started with a bit of a hill climb, out of the village.  Always best to put a hill behind you at the start of a walk, if you can.  As you can see, the clouds are hovering already, but not yet threatening.

Funny what catches your eye!  This rose trailed, almost sadly, against a grey wall, seeking to capture all the brightness it could from the day.  The best days of the almond blossom are over, but here and there a lovely reminder lingers.

Up hill and down dale, never knowing what surprises the next corner might bring.  Floor tile industry, in this case.  In the open air, with just a tarpaulin for cover.  It looks to be a slow and painstaking process.  Hard at work, he pauses, momentarily, with a grudging smile.  At the farmhouse next door, an enormous turkey cock preens, in expectation of applause.

The hamlets are sparse around here, a few fine villas intermingled with ruins.  Former life looks out through sagging windows and doors, and neglected blooms straggle, without purpose but clinging hopefully.

Another climb and we’re cresting a hill, the sea a distant glimmer.  Bright bobbles of acid yellow acacia light the occasional tree, while at ground level agave and prickly pear intermingle, peacefully. (thanks, Jude, for the correction  🙂  )

The clouds have been steadily thickening and I know that we’ve seen the best of the day.  Down on the valley floor, I catch sight of my favourite lanterna, still sparkling brightly.

There was a cloud over all of us that day.  We had heard that a very special walking friend had died suddenly, and far too young.  I would like to dedicate this post to Bobby, who loved this place as much as I do.  We will always remember her, walking in these hills.

walking logo

Quite an array of walks this week, and some real beauties!  Please do try to visit as many as you can, and especially any from a blog you don’t know.  And join me next time, here on Jo’s Monday walk if you’d like?


Going Dutch with Debbie this week :

A wander around Utrecht

Nicole is a keen hiker who knows and loves the Tucson area.  Why not take her advice?

Best Hikes in Tucson: Hiking the Ventana Canyon Trailhead to Maiden Pools

And while you’re there, how about a little street art?

Monday Murals : Hotel McCoy, Tucson, Arizona

Everyone knows how beautiful the Banff area is, but Rosemay reminds us to keep a good lookout for bears :

Hiking Trails near Banff – Lake Johnson

South Carolina looks like a place I could settle.  I believe Alice is in real estate :

Cross the Cooper River in Charleston

The drinks are on Jackie this week :

Drinks, Anyone?

But I think Janet can help out if we run a little short?

Monday walk… Fougerolles distillery

Natalie has some fabulous ice sculptures to share :

Wellness Post #2 : Icefest 2019

And it’s distinctly chilly where Drake is too :

Out in the inside nature

Irene has finally found a little warmth :

Progression of Spring

But Timeless Lady shares some disturbing information :

Phascination – Mantis Pods/Yes or No?

Some day I hope to check out Indra’s statement :

Goa… is still there

When a lady offers to show you her home town, what can you say but ‘thank you, Susanne’ :

A Walk through Seattle’s Chinatown

It’s a while since we joined lovely Miriam, Down Under, isn’t it?

Twelve hours in the Yarra Valley

Is this a better thing to do with your day than eat chocolate?  Just a morsel, please, Jude!

A Valentine’s Day Walk

I expect she’d enjoy sharing a garden experience with Sandra  :

#Northwest Flower & Garden Festival – Saturday Snapshot

Enjoy a step back in time with Amanda!  A privileged look at a Norwegian mining village :

Living History at Roros

And what a beauty this is!  One not to miss!

Summer Palace, Beijing Part 3

And finally, my world traveling friend, Cathy, completes another stage of the Camino :

(Camino: day 6) Pamplona to Muruzabal

That’s it for another week!  Hope you enjoyed it.  See you all next time!


  1. Ahh sorry to read that you’ve lost a good friend, someone called Bobby could only be a lovely person and I’m sure she will be close by when you walk.
    Love the picture of the silvery tree with the sea view darling. Big hugs to you Gx


    1. It was all over in a flash, Gilly, and she was so looking forward to reaching pension age this year and having a bit more cash. No justice sometimes, but we can’t change it, can we? She was a love! Thanks, darlin 🙂 🙂


  2. Great photography and my favorite photos are landscape photos. I noticed words Monday walk. We made a nice winter walk and it is very different walk showing ice fishing, winter fun for kids, snow art and of course, reindeer rides.

    Have a good day!


  3. My preference is surely sun also, but like you, I find clouds to add a different kind of beauty (every once in a while)! Sorry for the less literal cloud; those are not so good anytime. 😦


    1. It’s a strange life, isn’t it, Lexie? The connections we make, on here and in the ‘real world’. Doesn’t do to think too deeply… I could get very morbid. But she was a gem of a lady 🙂 🙂

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