Six word Saturday

Do you have a cartoon hero?

I was passing our local art gallery the other day and chanced to look inside.  An exhibition of cartoon illustrations lured me in and took me all the way back to my childhood.  There’s something so captivating about cartoons, whatever your age.

Rupert was my absolute favourite as a child and the highlight of my Christmas was a Rupert annual.  I was so pleased to find this video to share.

Wishing you a happy Saturday.  Don’t forget to share six words with Debbie.


  1. Now that brings back some memories. Algy Pug, Bill Badger, TigerLily, PingPong, Edward Trunk … ah, life seemed so much simpler then. Just get a good book and leave it!


      1. They are certainly lovely bears Jo! Fined up here after a wet week but it’s been a bit of a difficult weekend. Am likely to be on a plane in the next week or so back to Yorkshire not for good reasons – my dear mum is on end of life care (she has been frail for many years now and has advanced dementia). Very hard being so far away – sad times but trying to keep going with everything as best as I can here. Other than that all well here and hope that you’ve had a nice trip down to Leeds today! I guess it’s getting quite cold and autumnal though I do love the pretty colours at this time of year (with you – we’re in spring!).


      2. Thanks Jo – horrible time it’s very difficult to focus on anything here but obviously have things to do and commitments so just trying to keep busy. Sorting out flights this morning. I’ll be along later for the Monday Walk! Xx

        Liked by 1 person

  2. well i am going to bed and had to stop by and check in before I crash – and had no idea you’d give me such a nice song to wind down with – wow- the video is fun.
    and you are right – no matter the age – the cartoon has charm and so many styles for so many diverse people – something for everyone maybe?


  3. Oh yes, let’s not forget Spiderman! He was just darn cool with shooting those webs, and swinging around New York City catching bad guys, leaving them tied up in his webbing so the police would find them and leaving notes on them saying things like, “Courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.” He was cute too as Peter Parker, besides being a cool chemistry student. He contrapted his own web shooters and used his chemistry knowledge to make his spiderweb formula. He only used his powers for good after learning the hard way that “With great power comes great responsibility.”


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