Six word Saturday

Out on the wiley, windy moors…

We’d roll and fall in green

I couldn’t resist one more romp on the moors before the heather lost it’s glow.  It was a day of low cloud and mist as we clambered up the hillside, startling sheep.  A long pause on the tops, to get our breath back, and on past the boulders.

Then plunging back down… and up again!  Alarm bells sounded when I saw the ford sign. Would the water be high?  But I needn’t have worried.

The last slog back up the hill, though, was almost a step too far.  Good thing I was surrounded by beauty, somewhere along the Esk Valley Way.

Hope you fill your Saturday with beauty.  Debbie usually does!  Why not go and join her with six words? 


  1. “And we’ll all go together
    To pluck wild mountain thyme
    All around the blooming heather
    Will ye go lassie, go?”

    Couldn’t help but remember. Heard it sung by the Clancy Brothers.


    1. We crossed the moors in the car this week and already it was mostly brown, Gilly. It is the most glorious thing when it’s in bloom. Nice day, darlin? I’m watching tennis this evening. 🙂 🙂


  2. I love it! I’m not fond of heather when I see it in American gardens, but here where it belongs, it is so beautiful. And the sheep, too – it all makes for a beautiful set of photos.


  3. Quite the atmosphere, with the clouds and mist. It seemed to suit the area and the walk/romp that day. Love the presence of curious sheep. What funny heads sticking up behind the vegetation. Have a wonderful Saturday, Jo.


  4. You exhaust me, just reading about your mountain hike, but your walk did so remind me of my childhood in Ireland when, as toddlers, we were taken walking on the mountain behind my grandfather’s farm, to gather blaeberries for jam-making. The heather then, too, was incredible, and at the top of the mountain was a lake which we were told was bottomless. Who knows? I put that knowledge up there with the one about sand turning into honey if I kept it all winter.


  5. I think you are right in that you startled the sheep. That one looking at you halfway looks surprised 😀 Looks like a very quiet and peaceful path there, Jo. Up and down and sounds like you got your exercise for the day 🙂 Have a good weekend and hope it is a good week next week for you x


    1. Thanks a lot, hon. We were a bit off the beaten track and trying to find an easy way, Mabel, but I don’t think it exists. 🙂 🙂 I do love that wild country though. Zumba done for the day, I’m peacefully watching tennis from Prague right now.


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