Six word Saturday

Looking through the window of love

There’s something very special about stained glass.  Whether you are a reverent person or simply one who loves beauty, it can’t fail to move you.  I could not visit Bristol without a return to the lovely cathedral, where you can get up really close to the windows in the cloisters.  The details and expressions are wonderful.

If you are wondering about my six words this week, I have a confession to make. (since I’m in the right setting)  I had Alf Moyet in my head when I conceived them, but when I checked the lyrics… well, I often seem to make up my own.  Blame a faulty memory.

Hopefully I gave you a Saturday smile, Debbie, and I expect Dawn wouldn’t mind a few more windows to linger by.  Happy weekend, all!


  1. Glorious windows, Jo! I love stained glass windows and couldn’t believe my luck when visiting Ely Cathedral and they had a stained glass museum – I was off there like a shot! Great song…takes me back to school discos!😀


  2. My mind is blown by the exquisite detail of each window. It is hard to believe someone possesses the talent and ability to create them. It’s stunning! And I totally forgot about this song – thanks for the flashback, Jo!


  3. I also love stained glass. Some of my first memories are of attending church with my parents (Episcopal) and not understanding the words of the minister, but understanding the message within the stained glass windows behind the altar. Adam and Eve. Holding hands. In love. I guess that’s why I’ve been a romanticist ever since! xo


    1. Hi Sue! 🙂 🙂 I love the easy familiarity on here, you name dropper 🙂 Don’t ever visit a cathedral with Jude unless you have at least a day to spend. Have a good Sunday! All well at home?

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      1. Yes I feel like I’m just popping by for a tea. I’m in Saskatchewan visiting my Mom for Mothers Day. It’s where I grew up and about an 8 hour drive from Calgary.


      1. Alison was known as Alf, her punk-era nickname, while she sang as one half of the synthpop duo Yazoo in the early 80s, she reverted to her own name after the start of her solo career in 1984 🙂

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