1. Yes, it’s a beautiful day, though cold (brrr!). Mike wants to take a walk in a town west of here, Middleburg, later this afternoon. Hopefully the town will be all “done up” for the holidays. You?


  1. They look a bit like cows but cuddlier! There’s a Christmas tree and turkey farm a few miles away, and they have a baby one so I might take my G-babies when they come next weekend. Happy Saturday my lovely x:-)x


    1. I was quite thrilled to find them, Gilly! I don’t suppose life in a pen is very exciting for them but it made my day 🙂 🙂 The kids loved feeding them. I’m doing a decent job of avoiding the Christmas rush so far but I expect it’ll catch me up. Have a good weekend, darlin! Saturday hugs 🙂


  2. Is that…reindeer? If so, oh wow. That is an amazing find and these are some amazing captures, Jo. Up close and personal too. It looks hungry, like it wants more hay and good that there is quite a lot around him 🙂 I don’t celebrate Christmas but it is nice to have some time to rest and relax, and recharge for the next busy year ahead 🙂 Happy walking and happy weekend 🙂


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