Six word Saturday


In Tavira, it goes like this…


Down at the beach bar we have Santa and a lady friend, and a cute little tree.

Aside from the main town square, not a lot of money is spent on decoration, and Christmas is no worse for that.  A simple crib scene adorns a few street corners.  There is little money to spare, and food banks were operating in the supermarkets in late December.


The council are keen to attract further tourism to Tavira, and they are spending money on infrastructure.  The natural assets and the sunshine are there for all to see, but down at Quatro Aguas major improvements are underway.  Jude might enjoy these brand new Benches.




Maybe she’ll get to sit on them one day.  The view’s not bad….

Meantime, it’s Saturday and I hope you’re not too full of Christmas pudding to take a little stroll with me.  I’m not sure if Cate is playing Six Word Saturday this week.  It’s Boxing Day and that’s confusing, isn’t it?  Hope to see you all on Monday!



    1. They do! It’s such a serene spot, Becky. We’ve sat there a number of times, waiting for the ferry to the Ilha and watching the yacht club kids get afloat on Sunday mornings. The town ferry is still running till 19th November this year, would you believe? It really has been an amazing spell of weather. 🙂 🙂

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  1. I liked the crystal look to the diamonds of gold and silver on the trees, Jo. The “homemade” look to the manger and Mr. and Mrs. Claus was refreshing!

    I hope the time spent once your Polish family arrives goes slowly, peacefully and happily. It is nice when we remember to be “in the moment” during special gatherings. I see you as the kind who will treasure conversations and enjoy them! 🙂


    1. I’m panicking a little over feeding them at the minute, Robin! They’re such good cooks and I’m very mediocre, and a bit of a worrit. It’ll be fine once they’re here (fingers crossed 🙂 )


  2. I admire the simplicity in the beautiful decorations. They’re delightful, and as you share the information that the local food banks are in demand it seems to make even more sense to be mindful of excess. I will miss the Christmas decorations as we take them down now. 🙂 Now I can wish you a happy new year!


    1. Thank you so much, Debra 🙂 🙂 I’m going to leave my decorations up a little longer than usual, as we have Polish family arriving in the New Year. Wishing you a healthy and happy 2016!


  3. Amazing pictures of Tavira, and the Christmas decorations are so beautiful! If we ever visit Tavira we would head straight to the beach front and sit on one of those bench and enjoy a beautiful evening, looks so peaceful out there. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New year 2016 Jo! 🙂


    1. Thank you very much 🙂 It is a lovely place, as I keep demonstrating. Wish I was sitting on one of those benches right now, but at least we’ve found the sunshine again here today. Wishing you a wonderful 2016 🙂


  4. Like the sparkle on the water Jo those seats are placed in a good place.
    The seats are better value than too much Christmas hype.
    Thanks for showing us around and have a wonderful new year.


    1. They sure look sturdy, Jack! Some people are resistant to change and want to keep Tavira just as it’s always been. I love the old in it very much, but I can see no reason not to enhance what you have, if it’s done well. So far the ‘improvements’ have been of a high quality and standard.
      Right back at ya, cobber 🙂

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