Six word Saturday


What time do you call this?

Silly o'clock in the morning?

Silly o’clock in the morning?

But this makes it all worthwhile

But this makes it all worthwhile

And this guy raised a smile!

And this guy made me smile!

My feet have barely touched the ground since I got back from Tavira yesterday afternoon, and before you know it I’ll have gone again!  Just time to gather up six words and a few photos, and to crave your indulgence as I try to catch up with you all.  Thank you so much for the wonderful comments and visits you have made.  Very ‘early doors’ on Thursday I’m heading to Poland with Dad, so sharing my happy memories will have to keep for a while.

How about a bird's eye view?

Just time for a bird’s eye view, from the Castle walls

And there's always time for flowers!

And there’s always time for flowers

From one of my favourite places

From one of my very favourite places

I will be fitting in one very English walk on Monday, before I go, so please join me then, if you can.  In the meantime, have a great weekend, and I’m sure you can find six words to share with Cate at Show My Face.



  1. I just love the clouds in that bird’s eye photo, and then your capture at dusk with light reflected and silly hour in the morning and the mouthless graffiti 🙂 All wonderful!


      1. 5th June to Norfolk, early August the Balloon Festival in Bristol, mid September a Polish wedding. The rest’s a blank canvas 🙂 🙂 I know you’re going to Lisbon and Evora but I can’t remember where else in Portugal? Driving?


      2. 4 days- visiting Polish family, again. Boat builders in Norfolk 🙂 I’m going to try to work on my Polish over the Summer. I was on the verge of conversation before I came home. Not easy! 🙂 My last wedding for a while (I hope) and there will be a new baby to see when I go back again.

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      3. Dad was taken from home at age 15. His education was incomplete and he has no idea what a verb is. He only knows how to speak Polish. I don’t! It doesn’t work.


  2. How beautiful! Oh Jo, I’ll be away this weekend and then the following week in Jersey with my mum for 5 days (first time we’ve taken a holiday together for years) so I’ll be dipping in and out even more than usual too! If I don’t get the chance to say it before, have a super time in Portugal with your dad and I’ll catch up with you as much as possible. Big hugs and happy, safe travels to you my friend 🙂


    1. Jersey with Mum will be fabulous, Sherri! I’ve never been there but I bet it’s lovely in the Spring. Thanks for the good wishes. I may have some PC access in Poland so I’ll look out for you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Jo, looking forward to the break very much, even if hubby and I haven’t yet managed to plan one yet, but we will, oh we will!! I’ll be sure to take loads of photos, some more walks coming up for you for sure! I like that you’ll be looking out for me. Happy safe travels my friend 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Have a safe and wonderful trip with your Dad in Poland Jo. Loved this series of photographs – a place that should be on my bucket list.


    1. Thank you! 🙂 I’ve started muttering bits of Polish to myself but they never seem to amount to a conversation when I get there. Nobody else speaks idiot Polish 😦


    1. Cheers, Sammy, and you’re very welcome. 🙂 I will be trying to fit in visits before I take to the skies again but I need to finish my Monday walk first. Happy Sunday!


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