Jo’s Monday walk : Just boats!

A sea of boats at Santa Luzia

A sea of boats, at Santa Luzia

Today’s walk is going to be pure self indulgence, so I apologise in advance if you’re not a lover of boats.  I’ve taken you to the Algarve’s Santa Luzia before, and we’ve loitered in the tiled bliss of the back streets.  One of the walks I did with my Stroller friends this past holiday was in territory very familiar to me.  We started at a cafe (of course) in Santa Luzia, and walked across to Barril (remember the Anchor Graveyard?) on Tavira Island.

I was busy chatting and ‘catching up’ with people, so I forgot to wield the camera until we began to walk back.  We headed through the holiday village Pedras d’el Rei and turned right, down a path I didn’t know, and suddenly I began to take notice.

Walking with the group doesn’t really work well for photographs, especially once they get the bit between their teeth and are headed for lunch.  We emerged on a back lane in Santa Luzia and bundled into the restaurant “Moura”. Plentiful food and wine was consumed, but then I was eager to get back into the sunshine.  I deposited my husband on a bench, gazing at the salt marshes through half closed eyes, and I was off, camera in hand.

Mick's view!

Mick’s view!

Not a bad place to sit, is it?  But I prefer to wander.


I’m content to amble up and down the gangways, admiring the boats from every angle.  Nobody seems to mind, and the few people not lazing after lunch simply nod and smile.  The fishermen are too busy discussing the day’s catch to care, and I am careful to step over the coils of rope.




Are your eyes beginning to glaze over?  I should have warned you that I can look at boats for hours.  I expect Mick’s asleep on his bench by now.  Not too many more and then I’ll head back.



Thank you so much for your patience.  I enjoyed the indulgence.  It was easy to sit in my armchair and turn the clock back.  I hope you didn’t mind ambling in the sunshine.  Or you could join me in the back streets of Santa Luzia?

Can you believe it’s a whole year since I started sharing walks? It all started here.  I’ve led you on a merry dance since then and can only be grateful that so many of you have stayed with me.

walking logo

Thank you again for all the lovely shares this week.  If any of you have a walk you’d like to share, the details are on my Jo’s Monday walk page.  Just click on the logo or the link.  All comers welcome!  And now I really must put that kettle on.  Coffee, anyone?


Now, what have I got for you this week?

Drake first!  Don’t miss his incredibly spooky photo in an abandoned orphanage!

The World in one City 

Debbie’s on a mission to bring us canals.  And she does it in style!

Milan’s Grand Canal

Who would have thought a Tokyo suburb would be so interesting?  In like-minded company, of course.

Calling all Travellers 

Geoff takes us back to his old London haunts and a host of memories :

My Kinda Town 

Join Esther in the clouds.  You know you want to!

Walk in the Clouds

Amy and egrets!  A winning combination if ever I saw one :

Monday walk : A Race

And finally, please welcome Susan.  Beaches are always a hit with me :

Walkin’ Wednesday

It just remains to wish you all a happy week, and I hope it’s full of pleasant walks.


    1. Yes, lots! Santa Luzia is octopus capital of the Algarve, in its tiny way. I’m not big on octopus, even when beautifully cooked, but I’ve had many another fish dish 🙂 I want to go back immediately! Sulk 😦


  1. mi sono innamorata della foto con il gabbiano fra le corde della barca!
    ti auguro di cuore ancora una settimana esaltante tra fot, colori e i tuoi amici del web
    con stima ed affetto, grazie mille Annalisa


  2. Of all the colors, blue is best. At least that’s how I feel after looking at your pictures. The clear blue sky, The deep blue water. Decorated with contrasting shapes and colors, buildings and boats in white and red.


    1. I have to agree with you, Nicki. Over my shoulder is the flattest, dullest sky you ever saw and it depresses the hell out of me. I can’t wait for my next ‘fix’ of colour. 🙂


  3. I enjoyed this walk – so much blue!! I was confused by your posts and thought you hadn’t a walk post up for this week. I confuse easily, though. have you thought of having a link in your post so we can all find each other the same week as we post? Just a thought.
    I’ve not been walking much, but am getting my energy back with the warmer weather and offer my slightly less pleasant walk for you here


    1. It was the loveliest day on our recent stay, Violet. Not bad for February! 🙂
      I had a hiccup with this post, because I wasn’t satisfied with a couple of words and updated after I’d published. It dropped down the page as a result of that- some kind of WordPress thing, I’m sorry. It’s back in order now. It’s often difficult if you visit from Blogspot or anywhere that’s not WP in fact. I have the same troubles visiting other sites. And in writing all this I’m aware you’ll probably not see it 😦 Thanks for the link anyway, and the idea. 🙂


      1. I have seen your reply. I love that you reply to everyone’s comments and come back often to see what you’ve found to say. And now, I will try to keep up with the weekly walks and not be so lazy for weeks at a time! I mean, really, three months absence??!!


  4. Well I am just doing a little dance here right now because I love boats and your images are so gorgeous. The pictures with reflection are my favorite. I initially missed this post and am so glad I am now aware of it. Yay!


  5. A lovely walk in the sunshine. Really enjoyed the seaside photos especially the one of the seagull sitting on the boat with the homes in the background…so much going on there.


  6. It occurred to me just now that I hadn’t seen a walk from you yesterday so I came looking and found that I hadn’t seen this one from last week either! It was one of those weeks where I was concentrating on other things… anyway I am here now and loving the blue sky and the blue water and the colourful boats. You do take some cracking photos my dear 😉 Favourite is the close-up of the anchor draped in rope and the seagull on board. As you know I’m not the world’s best sailor, but I do love a jaunt around a harbour – so much to take photos of and you have done a great job!! Now I shall have to see if I missed yesterday’s walk and also visit all the other walkers I must have missed too… oh, and congratulations on the anniversary – has it really been that long?
    Jude xx


    1. I can put you out of your misery Jude. This is Monday’s walk but I updated it (2 words that displeased me!) and WP bumped it down the order of posts. Serves me right for nit picking. 🙂 And thank you very much 🙂 The joy shines through sometimes, doesn’t it?


  7. Another lovely post, and more inspiration – thank you Jo. We usually just drive through Santa Luzia on our way to Barril or Tavira, but now will stop and stroll – as your boat pictures are wonderful.
    And here’s a future Monday walk from me on a stroll around Ludo and Lago de São Lorenço
    PS Now off to catch up on your year of walks – Happy Anniversary!


    1. Hi Becky 🙂 Oh, you HAVE to stop at Santa Luzia! The link in this post takes you straight to the back street one I did there and it’s one of my favourites. (and you can boat across to the Ilha from there too, in Summer) Thank you for the lovely link. I was telling my husband about this walk and the birdwatching download. He liked the sound of it too. 🙂 Thanks a lot!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. The link didn’t work on the Ludo post, Becky, but I found it again on your site. I couldn’t tell you about it on there because comments are closed (it’s archived?) I’ve tweeted it and will include it in my next Monday’s walk post.
      Rain? Tsk! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hey Jo – you asked if our eyes were beginning to glaze over – and not one little bit – the flow was perfect and enjoyed this walk much – the pile of rope photo – with the bird – and houses to the back was my favorite – because it was raw and had the nautical take that we get only from your lens…


      1. actually I was just going to email you a quick note – and say thank you – but I will share part of it here 🙂 – but huge thanks because I did get to what you were saying – it took a minute – but right after that I went and took out a few photos – because while some long posts work really well – some don;t – and even tho u did not say this – it had a clogged feeling – and I think that is what you were sensing…

        and I was just visiting Dawn and she did a single post that is part of the series – and that is another option.

        and so seriously, thanks again for just leaving your natural candid feedback – and in this case really benefitted because you were so early to drop by the post – and I think the editing made it more digestible for other readers- (even though everyone still has the clogged post via email) but thanks again.


      2. Yvette, you are a star! As I was commenting I knew that I was in danger of giving offense but as you know I find it hard to ‘hold back’ 😦
        I tend to be way too nit picking with mine, tweaking and adjusting forever. My ‘Just boats’ I published and then didn’t like a phrase so I went back to change it. The Update has dropped down my Home page so beware with Edits. It’s happened to me before, or maybe it’s just me mishandling WP. Love you, hon. Have a good week!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I just saw the graphic!!!! I replied in the comments box in the corner of the screen but when I came here to share my Monday walks on FB there it was. It’s beautiful 🙂 I shall store it carefully in my folders. Thank you 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


  9. I love boats and ships, just because it’s a nostalgic memory of me being as a 5 year old on an ocean liner for a month to travel from Indonesia to Holland!


  10. What’s not to like about boats, especially when they’re photographed by you. It looks like a great walk, and one that satisfied both you and Mick. I love the seagull one, and the last single one inside and outside the boat – the composition in both is very satisfying. Joe wouldn’t have been sleeping: he’s a boat tragic. His interest would have outlasted even yours! I’ll regale him with images from this post, if I can drag his thoughts away from Poland – he leaves on April 6, a month before me.


    1. I might get along with Joe 🙂 I did so enjoy both the pottering around the angles and the gazing at the photos as I assembled them. Thanks for your kindness, Meg. I’m wishing the days away till I’m back there next month, however briefly. Are you resettled into your old/new life? 🙂


  11. You know how much I love boats Jo, so of course I love this post. And again, those blue skies…so nice to dream after the dismal, cold days of late. Love how you ‘deposited your husband on a bench’, but looks like Mick had a fantastic view and more than happy while you enjoyed your lovely walk. Think it’s about time I did another walk, once the last of the B&W challenge is finished 🙂


      1. Oh I’m so sorry to know this Jo 😦 I know it was yesterday when you replied (and yes, I am running behind again and again and again…) so I do hope you are feeling much better today. Another hug coming right now…feel the squeeze…?


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