Six word Saturday


If you wanted to see Alice?

If you saw my posts about Castle Howard at Christmas this week, you’ll know I’m quite fond of Chatsworth House in Derbyshire too.  I noticed that they’ve extended their opening hours into the New Year.  Here’s a peek at their video if you think you might be tempted?

It looks fun, don’t you think?

This was my second shot at Six word Saturday this week.  I was Nordic walking on the beach on Thursday, playing with my phone camera (the others were not amused- it was way too cold to linger!)  A big black cloud swept in, showering us with hail and sleet, and the camera point blank refused to work.  Remember my ‘let it snow’ post last week?

Be careful what you wish for!

Still, I quite liked the photos the camera took.  Here’s just a sample (with WordPress snow!) :

Here comes that cloud!

Beware  that cloud!

However you plan to spend the run up to Christmas, I hope you won’t get too stressed.  Have a great weekend, and don’t forget to visit Cate at Show My Face to share your six words.



  1. Oh Jo, I want to hide away at Chatsworth House…just beautiful and lovely photo of the beach too. And yes, so very true, ‘be careful what you wish for…’ You just never know 😉


  2. Beautiful beach shot, Jo… made even better by the WordPress snow 😉 (It doesn’t snow in this part of the world, so I’ll happily take the cyber snowflakes!) Pity about your phone… hopefully its working now?


      1. I’m glad about that (both things actually 🙂 )
        It’s just up. I always answer my comments first and I’m a lazybones these dark mornings. Sitting beside the tree with coffee now. Have a good day! 🙂

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    1. Now there’s a question, Suze! Would I sacrifice my sand for pebbles if I could be further south and a couple of degrees warmer? I don’t think so, but I’m sure I could cope with the south coast for a little while. You’re going somewhere exotic for New Year, I seem to remember? 🙂


    1. I feel as if I’ve put lots of ticks in boxes and am nearly ready for the main event, Sue, but it could all unravel at any time. (i.e cooking the Christmas dinner 🙂 ) I have quite a nice week ahead, with a couple of celebrations, then I have to get serious 😦

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  3. The video is wonderful Jo such pretty decorations – so gorgeous! I love anything to do with Alice In Wonderful as well – I have an original edition which my great great grandmother gave to my grandmother which has been handed down to me as the eldest granddaughter something I will always treasure 🙂 I have been looking at the photos of the stormy and snowy weather in the Uk – much better off admiring the prettiness from afar I think. My daughter is struggling with the cold and darkness in London at present but it will be spring in 3 months time and then we’re coming over to visit 🙂 Love the snowflake effects you’ve got on your blog at present! Have a great weekend and hopefully you’re not too stressed with the festive season rush! 🙂


      1. The dark mornings are getting my daughter down too never easy either your first Christmas away from home and she’s just had her birthday too! We did warn her how dark and dreary English winters can be! Have my Christmas tree up too I always get a real one from a Christmas tree farm here it looks so pretty fortunately it’s been a relatively cool summer here by Perth standards so it is looking nice and green! 😃

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    1. I was doing 6WS about my phone camera and the beach, Cathy. I’d uploaded the shots onto my laptop and thought they were not bad. Then I saw the promo vid for Alice and just had to use it. Take care, darlin’. 🙂

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