Young at heart


I’m fa-a–ll-ing!

One of the highlights of my December is always a visit to the windows of Fenwick’s department store in Newcastle-on-Tyne.  Doesn’t it just bring out the child?  This year’s theme is Alice.

It’s not always easy to get your nose pressed up against the windows, but I did what I could. After all, you’ve got to leave space for the children!

You're a very fine looking caterpillar!

You’re a very fine looking caterpillar!

Who’s your favourite character?  I was always a little in love with the White Rabbit.  The husband says it’s because I’m always late!  Well, maybe just a little…

Croquet, your Majesty? I don't believe I do.

Croquet, your Majesty? I don’t believe I do.

Oh, not off with his head!

Oh, not ‘off with his head!’

He IS such a handsome rabbit!

He IS such a handsome rabbit!

But thank goodness, it was all a dream!

But thank goodness, it was all a dream!

All’s well that ends well for another year, and many children, both young and old, will be royally entertained.  You won’t be surprised to know that this is my Christmas entry for Dawn’s Lingering Look at Windows.

When Paula announced that her theme for this week was Young– well, what’s a youngster going to do?  You will join me in visiting them both, won’t you?  We can stay young together.




  1. Jo my apologies as I missed this post. What a lovely store window display. I am particularly taken with the crooked house that looks although Dr Seuss had his hand in the design.


    1. No worries at all, Sue. 🙂 We can’t be everywhere, however fast we run. I imagine you have quite a few commitments in the run up to Christmas? It’s fun, but it can be very exhausting.

      The design team at Fenwicks are second to none and year on year they produce imaginative and beautiful windows. Glad you enjoyed them 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes it does seem to be a busy time of the year. I am flying to visit my Mom this week and we were out in the mountains for my husband’s Xmas party.
        Have a great week!


  2. What an amazing window display…and same here for the White Rabbit, for the very same reasons…although I bet you are surprised to see me over here on a Saturday, lol 😉 Catching up before getting down to the business of putting up the Christmas decs. Very cold here today, sunny but frosty. Beautiful kind of winter’s day. Hope all is well with you dear Jo and you are feeling a bit better…see you on Monday. Hugs 🐻


    1. It’s the same here, Sherri 🙂 I’ve had my walk through the park to zumba, posted a heap of international cards and done a minimal amount of shopping. Weekends are too frenetic 🙂 We haven’t bought the tree yet so that’ll probably be a next weekend job. Feeling more myself though, thanks 🙂 I was hoping we’d get some ordinary decorating done before the Christmas ones go up, but yet again it’s been put off. (not Mick’s favourite thing 😦 )

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know that feel Jo. I’ve been saying for the last two years ‘we must get that carpet in our bedroom replaced and the painting done before Christmas’. Still not done… and so it goes. And you are way ahead of me, not a single card written and the date for international posting is looming so now I will have to get on. Glad you are feeling better 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I felt like death warmed up when I was looking at the windows, Cathy. Still had the stomache thing, but those windows are not to be resisted 🙂 I’m just about to turn on my Christmas snow. 🙂


  3. What a wonderful display! I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a touching window display.

    It’s hard to choose a favorite, but I’ve always loved the Mad Hatter’s unbirthday party and the sad and silly tale of the Walrus and the Carpenter.


  4. there are only 2 other books I cherish as much as Alice. This place is a bliss!!! I would be considered a very rude grown-up should I show up at that window, I’m afraid. What a wonderful display! Since as long as I can remember, the Mad Hatter has always been my special all-time favorite 🙂 Can’t that you enough for bringing this goodiness to us!


  5. the windows are so creatively done – and thanks for sharing them – they have a such an energizing feel – and all those little trinkets and cupcakes – so well done!

    PS that pink flamingo was funny – and I just read on wise geek that there is a town in Wisconsin that just officially said there city bird is the plastic flamingo – lol – but I guess the star bird there is still a Robin.


    1. The details are always amazing, Yvette. I love having the photos because you don’t have time to take in all the detail when you’re there. Funny how the poor flamingo has become pure ‘Alice’ 🙂


      1. Hi – and I really did not ever have a fav from Alice in Wonderland – but your post reminded me of this video from Tom Petty – I love some of his other songs more – but not sure if you have ever seen this video – you might not like it… but had to share 🙂


      2. Brilliant! No, I hadn’t seen it, Yvette, but then I watch very few videos. Always amazed by the effort that goes into them, though 🙂 And the flamingos!!! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend!


      3. well I do not get to watch too many videos either – but some I get to see snippets of and actually sharing it with you was the first time I saw the whole thing
        – and those flamingos…. lol 🙂


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