Jo’s Monday walk : Along the Clyde

Underneath the arches

Underneath the arches

It’s Monday again and you know I’m bursting to share a little of Saturday’s day trip to Glasgow, don’t you?

Now you may think that it’s a long way to go to take a walk, but if I tell you that the four and a half hour coach trip in each direction was totally worth it… well, I wouldn’t disagree if you thought I was crazy.  It’s a city that I’ve wanted to see for many years and the opportunity just never comes up.  So, I made it happen.

What a city!  Despite leaky grey skies I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Perhaps because of the switchback of streets and the endless vistas, or maybe the feistiness, it reminded me in many ways of Barcelona.  And that was truly a love affair.  Glasgow architecture was an exhilarating mix.  I’m a long-time fan of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and I managed a fascinating glimpse into his world, but I’m going to start you off gently.

I hope you have a sturdy pair of shoes (I ruined mine!) and a waterproof with you.  It’s another wet one!  Straight down the hill from Buchanan Bus Station I came upon George’s Square, where quite a vocal gathering was taking place.  I told you they were feisty!

Gladstone knew a thing or two about debate, too!  And stormy weather.

Gladstone knew a thing or two about debate, too!  And stormy weather.

It was peaceful enough

It was peaceful enough

And well supported, despite the weather.

And well supported, despite the weather.

The lion was keeping a watchful eye

The lion was keeping a watchful eye

The locals have a sense of humour too!

While the locals maintained a sense of humour!

I nipped through the arches at the Royal Exchange and found myself on Buchanan St.  Shopping heaven, I’m led to believe, but today I’m on a mission to walk beside the Clyde.  The sound of pounding drums waylaid me for a while.

But the street life was compelling!

The street life was certainly compelling!

Rounding the corner I was on famous Sauchiehall St.  Striding along, I encountered the Willow Tea Rooms.  Pinch me, somebody- am I dreaming?  My first glimpse of Rennie Mackintosh.

The original tea rooms!

The original tea rooms!

A little butter for energy?

I succumbed to a little slice of whisky and sultana cake

An excuse for a peek at a Rennie Mackintosh building

Got to keep my strength up, and I needed an excuse to see inside

I was wondering if I had time for a tour of the Glasgow School of Art, just round the corner on Dalhousie St.  I stuck my head inside and gazed with longing.  As I stood, looking up, the door behind me swung open and cracked me on the head!  The young students were highly apologetic, but laughing too.  A stupid, but very understandable, place to stand.

This was just the entry way

Pain on the threshold!

I admired a plaque or two on the walls

But I soon recovered when I saw inside.

I had intended to follow Sauchiehall St. all the way to Kelvingrove Park and the Art Gallery, then down to the river, but the rain was quite persistent.  I don’t quite understand why squelching along the riverbank seemed a sensible option but I was determined to see the Clyde Arc.  The hill dropped away and I with it.

Splashing downhill, this building intrigued me.

Splashing downhill, this building surprised me.  It was to let!

And then I was on the river bank

And there I was, at the river bank.

I wasn’t totally alone but there weren’t too many misguided souls, I have to confess.  My shoes were feeling a bit squelchy and as I walked west, scanning the horizon for the Arc, I realised that the riverside walk was being renewed.  Diggers in lime green lay forlorn and abandoned in the rain.  As the traffic hurtled overhead on the M8, some swimmers brought a little smile.

Swimming might be a good idea

Something for  the builders to admire in their lunch hour

Or breathing clouds!

Is she breathing clouds?

But then I had my reward- a first glimpse of the Clyde Arc

But then I had my reward- a first glimpse of the Clyde Arc

A little soggy, but still, rather grand

A little soggy, but still, rather grand

The views beyond, even better!

The views beyond, even better!

Though these were a sad reminder of unhappy lives

But sad memories for some

At this point things went a little awry.  I had intended to cross the bridge and follow the opposite bank of the river back to the next bridge, but the footpath appeared to be barriered off.  Two cheery cyclists explained that the residents of this smart housing development at the water’s edge did not appreciate people wandering past.  I thought it a little selfish but I imagine they pay high rates for the view.

I looked at the path along the river bank and debated.  I could get back to the river around the estate or retrace my steps.  Best foot forward, you know the choice I made.   And it resulted in some interesting architecture along the way.

Kingston Halls- a former library, or functioning still?

Kingston Halls- a former library, or functioning still?

But I was relieved to see the bridge ahead

But I was relieved to see the bridge ahead

And to cross back over it

And to cross back over it

It's a beauty, isn't it?

It’s a beauty, isn’t it?

Looking back along the river

Looking back along the river

Under the railway bridge the reflections were epic!

While under the railway bridge the reflections were epic!

More bridges lay ahead and Palace Green with the People’s Palace, but I dare not walk too much further.  The coach departure was imminent.  Just time for a look at one more bridge then it was all the way back uphill to my start point.

A wistful look at one more bridge

A wistful look at one more bridge

Tiptoeing past the fiery tiger

And a tiptoe past a handsomely fiery tiger

Glasgow’s  graffiti was something else, and I have many more shots to share, but for now I expect you’re ready for a cuppa?

You know I love to walk but I could have wished for better weather.  I hope that if you take this walk someday you have sunshine, and the roadworks along the riverside will certainly be completed.  There’s so much to see!  A Tall Ship and the Science Centre- doesn’t that sound wonderful?  Of course, I could have used the hop-on, hop-off sightseeing bus which departs from George Square, where we started.  There you are- you have an easy option.

Meantime I’m hoping you’ll find some photos of a walk that you can share with me.  I’m ready to sit back and admire.  Just post a link in my comments, or link a post to me.  Any way and any day you want to do it.  I’ll always find time for a walk.  I hope you enjoyed this one, and many thanks to everyone for sharing.

The shares for this week are below, starting with a stunner from Paula :


    1. Hi Sherri 🙂 That’s lovely of you. Thank you so much. Just come home from a ‘girl’s night’ so not at my best but I’m more than happy to come walking with you. Have a wonderful weekend 🙂


      1. Hi Jo, just catching up after the weekend, which was a good one thanks and hope yours was too! Glad you recovered enough from your ‘girly’ night to join in the walk!! Thanks so much for the opportunity to join in with yours, I enjoyed it very much! 🙂


    1. It’s a long way down to the comments, Suze! So many people stop in to chat along the way. I should have a separate ‘chat room’ or restrict comments, but where would the fun be in that! (and where would I find the time?) Glad you found your whisky slice (but you don’t have to have the naughty butter too!) 🙂


  1. Jo, you have just captured the atmosphere of Glasgow in this post – in your images. Such a contradict city .. and so fun and lively – great shots along the Glyde – I stayed always at the Jury’s Inn .. on Jamacia Street … just where you was walking. Thanks for bring me back.
    I think I have to turn to Monondo … and look for a revisit. This is my Glasgow. Thank you so much.


    1. It’s a fantastic city, Vivi. I really need a weekend there sometime. I made it into The Lighthouse but no time for the Art School tour and House for an Art lover closed early too! 🙂


  2. Thank you for sharing your walk with us. It has been too many years since I have visited Glasgow…it has changed tremendously. I would definitely loved to have had a slice of the whiskey and sultana cake…yum. BTW, your photo is absolutely wonderful. 🙂


    1. Cities do, Karen, don’t they? There was new architecture going up all over the place, but still lots of the old. Really, an exhilarating mix 🙂 (it could have been just a tiny bit drier?) Thank you so much for joining me.


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