Jo’s Monday walk : Crimdon beach


First of all I need to say a huge ‘thank you’ to all of the people who joined in on my Monday walk last week.  I was so happy with the response I got that I really can’t wait to do it again.  Let’s take the walk first, shall we, and I’ll explain a little more later.

Crimdon Beach

This is another local walk, and probably comes in the ‘ugly’ category.  I can’t just show you pretty pictures can I?  It wouldn’t be truthful, or fair to the area.  Crimdon lies just north of Hartlepool, on the north east coast of England.  It is one of my childhood beaches.  A day trip to Crimdon was exciting in those days!  To this day, a caravan park sits atop the beach, and you can wander through it playing the ‘I’d like this one’ game.  Front facing the sea, naturally.

How about this one? A few tubs on the deck and it would be perfect!

How about this one? A few tubs on the deck and it would be perfect!

But I’m getting away from the subject.  This is a circular walk which includes the beach and Crimdon Dene.  Our start point is the cliff top car park.

Here you have it!

Here you have it!

As you can see, it’s part of the Durham Coastal footpath, very easily accessible and with some excellent cliff top walking.  Hartlepool was once a part of Durham County, but that is history.

But I cannot always offer you the blue skies!

First drop down the stepped boardwalk and onto the beach

Today a watery sun glints in the rockpools

Today there’s a watery sun, glinting in the rock pools
You'll maybe recognise this view from a previous post?

You might just recognise this view from a previous post where I got wet!

There go the walkers, striding up the beach!

There go the walkers, striding up the beach!

In places the sea is trapped at low tide

In places, the sea gets trapped at low tide
The patterns formed in the dune a mystery

The patterns formed in the dune, a mystery

And looking back, some walkers in outline, at the top

And looking back, tiny walkers in outline, near the top

With the tide out, you can walk right along this beach to Hartlepool.  In the distance you can still see the disused pier that is all that is left of a former magnesium works.  In Summer you might observe protective fencing along the dunes, where a nesting colony of Little Terns make their home for 4 months every year.  They spend Winter in West Africa, lucky things!

But today we are going into Crimdon Dene.  A wooded valley cutting through cliffs of magnesium limestone, it forms the boundary with County Durham.  The Dene’s dominant landmark is the lofty railway viaduct, completed in 1905, over which the north coast railway service periodically rattles.  I remember being hugely excited by it when I was small.

Hartlepool Headland just visible in the distance

Hartlepool Headland just visible in the distance

Safeguard the Little Terns

Safeguarding the Little Terns

Crimdon or Hartlepool?

Crimdon or Hartlepool?

Underneath the arches of Crimdon railway viaduct

Underneath the arches of Crimdon railway viaduct

Leaving the Dene from beneath the viaduct

Leaving the Dene from beneath the viaduct

A steepish climb will bring you back up to the cliff top car park.  The distance is little more than 2 miles but you can extend it as far along the beach as you wish.  There are no facilities as the club house on the caravan park is ‘members only’.  Hard to believe that back in the 50s this was a thriving resort.  A Six word Saturday post from about this time last year will show you the area from a slightly different (and sunnier) aspect.

And now it’s your turn!  Last week I suggested that I would love to hear about walks in your area. I can never cover as much ground as I’d like to, so I would really appreciate sitting back in my armchair for a virtual walk around your neighbourhood.  If you have a post about a favourite walk that you’d like to share, please leave a link in my comments box.  You can do this any day of the week, and it can be a full walk or just a few photos- I’ll be delighted either way.

In return I will tweet or post it on Facebook for those of you who use social media.  I usually share when I like a post anyway, but sometimes I forget.  Age, you know!  I don’t know if you’ve found my Restlessjo page on Facebook, but I’d love to see you there.  Happy walking!


    1. The Dene and surrounding area has been a little neglected over time, Otto, and isn’t your pristine beach setting, but it’s no less interesting for that, I think. The area is close to former mining activity but most of the residue has been washed away now. The cliffs are eroding in places too. But it still makes for a good walk. Thanks for your comments, Otto. Always appreciated. 🙂


  1. I like the shoreline here very much. It’s much more interesting to me than the long stretches of sand and water along the east coast of the US. I enjoy the dunes and rocks and tide pools. The cliffs are fascinating to me since I never saw a beach with a rocky shoreline. I loved the underpinning photo at the viaduct. That is a fine image. And, it has old world character, I think. I enjoyed the walk, Jo.


    1. Many thanks, George 🙂 This beach and the Dene come more in the interesting category than beautiful, I think. The Dene is a little neglected and the beach wild, but that’s nature 🙂 It’s close to a former mining area and has been affected by that. Thanks a lot for your time and nice comments.


    1. Thanks, Joylene 🙂 The Dene is a little neglected and not looking its best after the winter, but I always enjoy walking on the beach (unless it’s freezing!)


  2. Now this looks like lots of fun Jo. Fantastic shots of the beauty around you hon and thanks for the lovely trip. I enjoyed. 😀 ♥ Hugs ♥


    1. I thought I’d make the walks a regular feature, Sonel. You know I’m always taking them 🙂 I walked my legs off yesterday, so I shall be a little more lazy today. 🙂 Thanks, hon. Morning hug!


  3. a proposito di passeggiate, ieri poi è tornato il sole e sono uscita in mountain bike, la mia zona è molto adatta per la bici, gli argini dei fiumi, le colline, i boschi, le grandi pinete sul mare, non c’è che l’imbarazzo delle scelta…ieri siamo andati lungo il fiume Armo uno spettacolo di margherite e di salici che si stanno coprendo di fiocchetti verdi…tutto completamente diverso dalla bellissima zona selvaggia che ci hai descritto

    naturalmente quando incontro le oche vado pazza ha ha ha
    buongiorno Giovanna


    1. These are beautiful, Ventis! The shot of the Arno is my favourite but I love those willows trailing in the river too. Thank you for my ‘present’. Have a wonderful day, cara 🙂


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