Jakesprinter’s Sunday Post : On going


I’m sharing a little luck this week, in the Chinese year of the snake, courtesy of Jakesprinter.  The theme for his Sunday Post, On going, also gives me the long-awaited opportunity to share some rather special photos.  Nothing in my life is more “on going” than my love for my children.

Some of you will know that I’ve just returned from the wedding of my daughter Lisa to Leonardo, and that the guests were invited to wear historical costume.  Lisa designed and made her own costume, in totality; the coat and waistcoat Leo is wearing (over a 3 year period); the bridesmaids dresses (with help from Jema); the waistcoats of the grooms; flowers for the church, and buttonholes and bouquets.

With Jema she made and decorated the cake.  Each layer is a different flavour, progressing from lavender at the top, through Earl Grey and orange, white chocolate and almond, down to dark chocolate and cherry.  I was unbelievably proud of her efforts.

One of the best aspects of the wedding, for me, was to see her together with her brother, James.  There are 19 years between them in age, and many miles in distance, so they spend very little time in each other’s company.  My pride and joy at seeing them together on this very special occasion was immense.  Can anything be more on going than love for your children?

Thank you so much, Jake, for the opportunity to share this snippet of my daughter’s wedding.  And for the new logo to brighten up my posts.  I hope everyone will follow me to your Jakesprinter’s Sunday Post to admire your amazing graphics and read the other posts.

Click on any of my photos to see them in slide show, and the lucky snake or links to take you to Jake’s page.  Many thanks.


  1. What a lovely post. True. love is an ongoing thing.
    I am awe-struck by your daughters creativity and patience in doing all of the costumes. 🙂


  2. Not sure how I missed this lovely post of your daughter’s wedding. I think WordPress messes up sometimes. What an elegant array of costumes and wonderful setting. That cake looks amazing. You are so right about witnessing your children’s love for one another and it multiplies our ongoing love for them! Nice.


    1. Many thanks, Ruth. I check my Reader daily (unless I’m in Portugal) but I still manage to miss things. Sometimes when I receive a comment, it prompts me that I haven’t seen anything from that person in a while, and I rush off to look. I thought I was following your photography blog as well as Flat Ruthie, but it seems I wasn’t! Apologies.


  3. So many comments already, and I endorse so many of them. I loved this post, the incredible pride you have in your daughter just shines through. Lovely, talented daughter who has a very special mum.


  4. Oh my! What a gorgeous wedding costume…that’s an heirloom! The cake too! Must have taken forever to visualise and execute these. Congratulations to Lisa and Leo, i wish them a wonderful life together 🙂


  5. What a great and original idea 🙂 I’m sure the bride’s dress will be treasured by the next generations to come. What a family history in the making 🙂
    Congrats Jo, they are such a lovely couple 🙂


  6. Totally amazing! I love those spats, I would want to wear them on my wrists. Your daughter has such creativity and dedication to her art, everything she made is quite awe inspiring. I hope they have a very happy life together, and I can’t think of a better interpretation of ‘ongoing’.


      1. She did work with Jema making basques and offbeat wedding gowns for a while, but financially it was difficult. The amount of time you have to commit makes the profit quite tricky. And she says that she loves doing it, and doesn’t really want to think of it as a job (or give her work away!).
        She also has a good brain and the Commissioner job is challenging, but very frustrating at times.


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