Six word Saturday


I love it, but hate it!

You know what I’m talking about.  Magical soft fat flakes that have me rushing out to play.  Followed by grumpy Alice a day or two later, when it’s turned to a slippery grey skating rink.

Click on the first photo to see them in gallery form.  It’s clever, isn’t it?

Have you got six words to sum up your week?  Cate at Show My Face will be delighted for you to join in.  Click on the header or the link to find out more.



  1. Have I ever told you how much I love towers? :O and as for snow – I have a love/hate relationship with it – it is needed but in right measures and at the right time, and its timing is always wrong – grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I loved all of your snowy samples 🙂


  2. My thoughts exactly! I love snow…but also dread it, and even hate it sometimes!
    Just stay inside and keep warm…and enjoy the beauty of it from the inside looking out!!
    Happy Saturday!


  3. Lovely indeed. We’ve got lots on the ground & lots more falling even at this moment, AND temps in the teens below zero (F). Oy. It’s keyboard and coffee for me today.


    1. Thanks Gemma. It was a lovely afternoon, and the trees kept spattering us with water. Great fun. Bit more bleak and grey today. I went to zumba and meant to walk back through the park to take some deeper snow shots, but I chickened out!


    1. Hope you got the slide show to work today, Viv? I intended to come back that way after zumba and take some shots of much deeper snow, but it’s not very nice underfoot, so I gave up and got the bus like a wuss.


  4. 🙂 Ditto for me, Jo. I left two snow shovels north, one in New Hampshire and the other in Nebraska. I will never ever need them again!!!

    My three-year-old London grand-daughter is posted on my facebook page. She is playing in the snow and has a big snowball in her hands.


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