Six word Saturday

Just for Sue- because she asked!

It seems that storks, like my good friend Sue, don’t mind a spot of dereliction.   This wouldn’t be my chosen residence, but they do have a good view from up there, out across the River Guadiana to Spain.  There’s not a great deal of respect for these poor, forlorn warehouses, often fallen victim to street art, like these below, in Tavira.

Most of my week has been cloudless.  Hope you can say the same.  In six words please.




  1. LOOooOoove this! Rough and tough images, not all pretty and romantic … in your world down there. We need all of it. Brilliant gallery!!! Sue, is all into rough and tough, as I call it. Nice one, Jo!


  2. I wish I could say my week has been cloudless. We had wind storms that hit us hard this past weekend. We lost power for two entire days. Luckily we were in Pittsburgh, but meanwhile our food was spoiling in the refrigerator! This is certainly an interesting choice of home for the storks. Jo! I’m so glad you’re having fun. 🙂


    1. Fortunately they do, Anna. 🙂 🙂 Delighted to see you here. As we drove up to Monchique the other day we had to stop and stare. There were dozens of them nesting among the orange groves and on the lamp post!


  3. I’m quite fond of dereliction and shabby chic if (a) it’s not my house and (b) it’s not within sight of my house! Haha – that’s terrible but only somewhat true. Some raggedy things are just junky (those are the kind I don’t want to look at permanently), but some have a soft patina of age that enhances instead of detracting from them. I like the chimneys here, but I can’t say the walls or absent roofs are as appealing. Glad you have been enjoying the sun – I got a nice week of that recently, too. Great for the spirits!


    1. It’s never been my thing but I must be being influenced by Sue. 🙂 🙂 There are so many abandoned older properties in the countryside, as young folk move to the towns. Most Portuguese towns have their share of dereliction. Tavira is almost always beautiful to me, even on a rainy day like today. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It looks as though that stork is very busy building his/her “des res”. Love the street art and that last photo looks as though the lights are on, but I’m guessing it is the sun. Hope you take some sunshine back with you Jo. After a week of rain the sun is back with a vengeance over here. I’m in my play room with the air con on…


  5. I wonder what the chimney was for, I suppose it was a factory of some sort, whatever, it’s a happy home for storks. Is it down towards the sea or further inland? I remember going to a tattier area, no doubt it will be restored or more likely pulled down at some point.

    I’ve been up for two hours with the heating on but I’m still cold and it’s supposed to be here for the week 😦 I’m feeling sorry for myself can you tell? You’re back next week I think? Hope you’ve a jumper in your suitcase. Have a lovely Sunday darling x:-)x


    1. Not back till 6th and I have a couple of days in Jerez to look forward to next week. 🙂 🙂 The forecast here is wet but I’ll not let it dampen my spirits. I had a lovely brolly twirling night at a New Orleans Jazz evening yesterday. Need a walk this morning to clear my head. 🙂
      The first set of photos are in Vila Real, Gilly, and the second as you leave Tavira heading for Quatro Aguas. I imagine they were something to do with fishing/cannery but not sure. As Jude says, in England they’d be des res by now. Hugs darlin!


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