Which kind for you?

It’s been a while since we shared cake, hasn’t it? Which kind do you like? Deep lemon meringue pie perhaps. Chocolate slice. Or that ‘oh so gooey’ marzipan confection. My excuse today is Su’s Virtual Tea Party and the need to share a few thoughts.

Here in Portugal a State of Calamity has again been declared. From today group sizes are restricted to 5 (an ‘awkward’ number), down from 10, and restaurant seatings adjusted accordingly. In the Algarve it’s another blue sky day in paradise. Figures are still low here and we’re hoping this is a precautionary measure. A swift adjustment to our thinking means we can still walk today in the countryside, as planned, and dine together afterwards, split between two tables. We are so lucky to have the climate that we do, and the warmth of friendship to share our troubles. Many of us have family abroad whom we struggle to see. But it’s put a brave face on, choose your beverage and slip on over to Su’s place. Even when she’s feeling down, she’ll pick you up. And you know you can always rely on Becky.

Now… about that cake?



  1. You rascal! There’s still an old post of yours on the screen with equally-tempting dessert images!

    Thanks for all of your posts, especially the ones that show your beloved landscape… Even though I am happy here in Ecuador, I would love to take a timeout and zoom over to your side of the pond. You manage to transport us there without even using a magic carpet!


      1. ha!

        Someone in the USA was planning to visit Portugal and I wrote to ask if he was there yet. The reply, “I’m going to Panama; they won’t let me in in Portugal.” I had to laugh; the USA sometimes gets a sample of what it’s like to be rejected, but it’s not good when people who comply are stuck in a holding pattern!…

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Sorry, Jo, I’ve had an absolute nightmare trying to reply to this comment – I’m dizzy, I’ve been sent around in that many circles! I hope you haven’t been bombarded with notifications from me! 😳
        All I wanted to say was… ‘where cake’s concerned ‘!
        I need more than three now after all this! 🤣 hehehe!


      2. This is the first I’ve received, Tom, unless they are in Spam. I’m using my phone now but will check later. So sorry it wasn’t a simple response. Let’s blame good old WP 😉💕💕

        Liked by 1 person

      3. No worries, Jo. I’m on the app on my mobile, and it’s been playing up all day. Hopefully I’ve managed to sort it now with the cache… time will tell! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. While I’m sure all three treats would be wonderful and I would be thrilled to be served anyone of them, my first choice would be the lemon meringue pie…I can’t resist anything lemon. I’m sorry that the restrictions are back up but if you can still walk and socialize with just a few of your friends, that is good for your spirits. 😊


      1. Apple cake, of course you know that is another of my favorites. 😊 BTW, I saw all three of the photos, not two like some others mentioned.


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