Jo’s Monday walk : Capelinha and the lanes

Following on from last week’s walk down to the sea, I suggested I’d take you around a few of the country lanes and tracks, almost on my doorstep.  When we first bought our house in Tavira, there was very little property behind us.  From the rooftop we not only had our lovely sea view, but tree tops and greenery rolling away into the gentle hills.  Time, and development, being what it is, much of this is now interspersed with rooftops.  But it still only takes 5 or 10 minutes to be in open countryside.

When we direct people to our home we always say, stay on the E125 road through Tavira and take the turn off signed Fonte Salgada at the roundabout.  Our peaceful estate is on the left hand side, but if you continue on, you will be directed towards an animal sanctuary and a chapel.  This is the area known as Capelinha, a small scale but quite beautiful land of orchards.

Quinta de Capelinha lies not far along the road.  This was once the home of Manuel Joaquim Tavares Pais de Sousa e Andrade, Viscount and Baron, as well as Councilor and Mayor of Tavira, back in the 19th century.  The derelict family chapel sits by the roadside, abutted by a modern home and horticultural business, which specialises in fruit trees.

Today we will stay on the country road to Fonte Salgada, but there are several turn offs- narrow trails that weave in and around the orchards.

I pause to admire ripening carobs, and somewhere distant I can hear the sound of bells and the bleating of a lamb whose mother is out of sight.  The next turn off is ours, but just ahead lies the village of Fonte Salgada itself.  Should we take a look?

Sleepy in the midday sun, there’s not a lot to the village.  A café, closed at the minute, but no shop, so far as I could see.  A grain or cattle store, and a well.  Nowhere to spend your Saturday pocket money.

The road leads on up into the hills and I turn back to continue my walk.  There has been plentiful rain this Spring, a relief after a long, dry Winter.  The fields overflow with wildflowers and the air is scented with the heady aroma of orange blossom.

Figs ripen on the bough and the grass ripples with daisies.  The eloquence of the sky is a constant source of pleasure.

You’ve seen that last house before.  From wide, sweeping views I’ve turned down one of the many tracks leading back towards home.  Here I can dither and dawdle at will, eye picking out subjects that appeal.  Those little rock cairns seem to be flourishing.  And don’t the limes look exquisite?

The potato vines play hide and seek with the daisies, and a brave few remaining rock cistus turn their pretty faces up to the sun.  Plants I cannot name still have the power to enchant.  A stony path climbs gently past wizened olive trees and I’ve not far to go.  The air feels fresh and alive, raindrops clinging on in more sheltered places.

I am taking this opportunity to link to Jude’s #2020 Photo Challenge.  I know the vistas will appeal.  There are quite a few converging lines, and she never can resist a plant or two.  Funnily enough she is wandering down Cornish lanes in her post this morning.  A sign of the times?

walking logo

A lovely wander with Jude :

The Lanes in April

I had to include this one from Cathy.  I was with her every step of the way!

Cinque Terre: A vineyard walk in stunning Manarola

Serendipity has Sheetal in another of Cathy’s destinations.  Not strictly a walk, but too beautiful to leave out :

Travelling into the Tuscan World

Rupali takes us to another beautiful city.  I hope to follow her, one day :

An evening in Stockholm

Natalie stays close to home, but still finds beauty :

Life and Trumpeter Swan Sightings

Wherever he is, Drake is always perceptive :

When local is real local

And Eunice, too, is staying in her own neck of the woods :

A local walk at Easter

That likeable rogue, Jonno, is still out and about, with his missus :

The Croyde Bay Wednesday Walk

Just the name of this one wins me over!  Thanks, Alice :

Seahorse Way

Janet’s Monday walking again!  And any other day she can get out and about :

Monday walk…into the sun

Becky looks back on (or forward to  🙂  ) an Algarve favourite :

Rambling in the Algarvian hills

Let’s close with Cathy.  No-one is more prolific!  I love this symphony in blue :

Morocco: A day among the blue boats of Essaouira

I can occasionally get lost in these lanes, my sense of direction being lamentable.  I hope you enjoyed wandering with me.  Have a good week, stay safe, and see you next time!


  1. Quite quite Spring loveliness abounds in these pictures Jo and not a soul to be seen …
    I can hear the insects and feel the warmth … and your glossy lime has reminded me to put a few on the on line shop order . G&T not quite the same without a slice or 2 🙂


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