Six word Saturday

Out on the wiley, windy moors…

We’d roll and fall in green

I couldn’t resist one more romp on the moors before the heather lost it’s glow.  It was a day of low cloud and mist as we clambered up the hillside, startling sheep.  A long pause on the tops, to get our breath back, and on past the boulders.

Then plunging back down… and up again!  Alarm bells sounded when I saw the ford sign. Would the water be high?  But I needn’t have worried.

The last slog back up the hill, though, was almost a step too far.  Good thing I was surrounded by beauty, somewhere along the Esk Valley Way.

Hope you fill your Saturday with beauty.  Debbie usually does!  Why not go and join her with six words? 


    1. If it’s sunny the heather fades in the photos but in the mist you get its full glory. I have to say I would choose sunshine but I was only too delighted to be among it again. It’s brown now, just a week or two later. 🙂 🙂

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      1. Maybe not- I love the 4 weeks or so when it’s out with a passion. I will miss that when we move to the Algarve. 🙂 I’ve just been admiring the nerenes in my garden. A definite sign of Autumn. Take care! 🙂


    1. Usually August, Meg, and lasts 4-6 weeks. 🙂 🙂 It really is the most beautiful sight! I believe Gilly has lots on Dartmoor too, but I’ve never seen it for myself. Maybe next year 🙂


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