7 Squares in September

You might have noticed I’m not fond of single photo posts.  It’s a bit like my Six word Saturday syndrome.  I’m much better at excess!  So in joining Becky on Square in September I thought I’d go for seven.  That gives me one in hand, doesn’t it?  And I’m always forgetting to join Cee!

Do you have a favourite?  And what IS that last one, Jude?  Oh, and Happy Birthday Mr. B!


  1. I’m sure rules are there to be broken!! Impressive you could restrain yourself to just these…they are all beautiful and showing Autumn blooms at their best! Makes me want to head out and capture some photos myself! 😀🌸


  2. Lovely! Why share one when you have so many wonderful images to display? I’m the same, Jo. I think it comes down to having a hard time choosing. And having loads of beautiful photos to share. 🙂


    1. I’ve been to quite a few Open Gardens on a Sunday afternoon this Summer, Liesbet, so this seemed like a good opportunity. That first one is homegrown though 🙂 🙂 Thanks!


  3. How beautiful! My favourite would have to be the cyclamen. I did a similar thing with Jude’s bench series. I never got around to posting one every month, so I did the whole lot in one go at the end. Twelve benches for twelve months!


  4. OK Clever clogs. A week at a time. I like that! As for the last flower I have no idea. Some sort of tall spiky flower I guess, but it doesn’t jump out at me. Was this in the Edinburgh Botanical Garden?


  5. Too difficult to choose just one but the last one made me wonder! Seven squares inspirational, Jo.
    I’d enjoy a slice of birthday cake if there’s a party.


  6. hee hee . . . . .love it, and seven squares sounds fab too. I can’t decide on one favourite but have come up with three your rose, the bee and the yellow ones . Thanks so much for taking part . . .off shortly to commence the celebrations for his lordships Bday 🙂


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