Jo’s Monday walk : Yorkshire Lavender

I’ve been aware of the existence of Yorkshire Lavender for a couple of years, but I had no idea that this family concern had been going for more than twenty.  Almost 60 acres of south facing farmland on the Howardian Hills have been cultivated into a rolling sea of lavender.  It began as a project and distraction when the owner’s wife died, leaving him with two young children.  What a tribute it is, to her and to them.

I had set my heart on a pot of white lavender, having seen some at Hampton Court Flower Show.  Scarcely was I through the door when my eyes alighted on the very thing. And in awfully nice company, too!  ‘Heavenly Angel’ was destined to come home with me.

But first I’d better take you on a tour of inspection.  We’ll take it slowly because you don’t want to miss anything.

Breathtaking, isn’t it?  I hardly would have thought that such impact could be created with lavender, but it curved sensuously away, a delicious romp of lilacs, pink and white.  And the aroma?  Wafting gently at you from all sides.

Old and young experience the joy together, the children whooping through the maze and turning cartwheels, smiles on the faces of their elders. Nor is it only about the lavender. Densely packed borders tilt and sway with fronds of delicate grasses and exquisite beads of colour.  I defy anyone to hurry through this garden.

Beside the Wibbly Wobbly Way, a switchback of green and lavender, a gardener paused in her labours to explain to us something of the history of the garden and its planting.  The lavender will all be cut back in 2 ferocious days of harvesting in early September.  Till then, it’s ours to admire.

All afternoon I waited for the sun to shine, to burnish the softly swaying fronds of grass, but it was not to be.

If the youngsters are getting bored, there’s a giant snakes and ladders game to play and a small enclosure with deer, but I was having trouble tearing myself away from the dazzling array of plants, some of which I’d never seen before.

Climbing the hillside to the top of the site I came across a pond with water lilies.  The gardens are continuing to develop, and several people that I talked to had noticed a big improvement in recent years.  I was more than happy with what I found.

New strains of lavender are introduced, alongside tried and trusted favourites.  At the top of the hill, a last bit of whimsy.  A cricket match is in progress.  Don’t look at me!  I can neither bowl nor bat, let alone catch.  Maybe I could umpire?

The gardens are open from the end of March to 1st October, a £3 charge being made from June till August.  Out of season, entry is free.  A shop sells lavender products, and in the tearooms you can sample lavender scones, with jam and cream, of course.  What’s keeping you?

Many thanks for joining me again this week.  Walkers or readers, it doesn’t matter.  You’re all wonderful company.  If you’d like to join in with a walk of your own, details are on my Jo’s Monday walk page.  You’ll be very welcome.  Time to put the kettle on now, and settle in for a good read.


Drake starts us off with a vintage train ride this week :

On track of the past

Fancy a swift trip to the barrage and back with Debbie?

A quick walk around the bay

Welcome Violet again!  Look what she found in Toronto :

Rubber ducky

Jackie’s in Toronto too.  I do like the look of that roof garden :

Let’s Chew the Fat

Woolly is still with the Royal Newfoundland Regiment :


What a time Lady Lee had at the spa!

Spa weekend in Bad Fussing

Cathy has finished work in Japan.  It’s all fun from now on!

The Daibutsu Hiking Course, a Love Shrine and a money washing shrine

There’s usually a way, if you look for it.  Do visit resourceful Down by the Dougie :

Coastal walk from Lyme – Charmouth, Golden Cap and Stonebarrow

Lisbon looks good from lots of angles so we’ll forgive Becky for taking to the water :

Crossing the longest river in the Iberian Peninsula

‘Twixt land and sea, Susan lyrically experiences the perfection that is California :

Walking Port San Luis Pier

And the ‘other’ Susan has a treat for us bookworms, in NYC :

A Walk Along Library Way

That’s it for another week.  Hope you can fit in some walking between showers.  See you soon!




  1. What a beautiful walk Jo and what an interesting insight to how other countries do things. I can imagine your surprise at the busloads and all the organisation. Did you get a ride back, or was it a round walk?


  2. I wasn’t aware of Yorkshire lavender until now! What a beautiful tribute to the owner’s wife. You’ve captured some gorgeous frames Jo. The shots of the two little girls playing in the lavender field and that of grass fronds framing that burnished landscape are standouts for me.


  3. Oh my! It’s breathtaking!! There’s so much more than just the lavender farm I visited … and I had no idea there was white lavender either! I learn something new everyday.
    Gorgeous photos – especially the one of the 2 children running through the lavender. My favourite though is the “blue man group” playing cricket. Cute find 🙂


      1. You’re lucky to have thriving lavender.
        I’m told that lavender is pretty finicky to grow here because of our cold winters. I was told at the farm I visited that each plant has to be covered in burlap for the winter and even then there are losses!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much for the share, and my apologies it has taken me so long to come and enjoy the lavender with you. I can almost smell it from here – just glorious. I am hoping that finally I have turned the corner with regard to staying on top of things but perhaps we should check again in a few weeks! 😉


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