Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore

St. Mary of the Flower, the Duomo, in Florence, and a cherished dream.  Would she disappoint?

I arrived mid-evening, after a long days travel, with legs that needed to be stretched and a bubble of excitement inside.  Into the darkening streets, gay voices filling the air and a buzz of purely Italian sociability.  Waiting for that moment when, rounding a corner, there she was, shining like a beacon.  Beckoning me to come closer, in adoration, and gaze on her transcendent beauty.


Round and round her I walked, gazing up at every aspect of her beauty.  Dizzy with the wonder of it all and beaming like a child.

Arms spread wide, my eyes followed her majesty up to the heavens.  I did not want my bubble ever to burst.  Easing myself away, with many a backward glance, I tried to reassure myself that she was real.  Never could I conjure such a figment of imagination.


In the days to come I will be sharing with you some of the history, as well as the beauty, that is Florence.  Right now I’m clinging to the Indelible memory of that first night.  Thank you, Paula, for such a very apt prompt.


  1. Your photos are amazing Jo. I think that perhaps the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral is more striking at night than by day. The flood lit cathedral looks as though it is black and white instead of its green and pink marble exterior.


  2. Santa Maria del Fiore, the Virgin of the Flower – makes me wonder how I have managed to avoid this little beauty with a name like that. You sound like a small child in a sweet shop Jo, so excited and not quite knowing what to choose next. I look forward to seeing this city with you over the course of the next week or two… hope you have a great weekend. Sunshine and showers and rainbows here 🙂


    1. With your penchant for details, Jude, you are going to have the most wonderful time in Florence. You’ll have to park David at a pavement cafe 🙂 🙂
      It hasn’t stopped raining since we got back! Well, it is brightening up a little now but I’ve zumba’d and I’m wrecked. Mick’s off to the match soon and I had planned to watch recorded Rafa v Cilic, but it hasn’t recorded 😦 James was back on a flying visit yesterday so it was a whirlwind of washing and cooking. I’m all set to chill and catch up around the blogs. I’ll keep an eye on Murray in Dubai a bit later. Tinkering in your garden, or venturing forth?


      1. Neither Jo – the wind will blow me away! So morning of cleaning (where does all the dust and cobwebs come from?) and afternoon blogging. I want to finish the east coast then turn my attention to Barca. Flowers and beaches do get in the way though…


      1. Well, that’s a good way to achieve more sleep. 🙂 Hope the worries are wearing away. We have parent, specifically father, worries. I slept very little when I was in Australia, so I crashed when I came home. 😦 Hugs.

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  3. She is a beauty and you captured her so well, love your photos. Florence is an amazing place and I am looking forward to hear more about your thoughts and experiences 😄


  4. I love your joy in being just there, and your photos capture that joy. I was startled by the whiteness against that black. I’m eager for more of your delight – may it remain indelible for a long time.


      1. We’re packing up a year, so yes. The weekend will be packing. J’s mourning his cardboard buildings and throwing out heaps of clothes, and I suspect resenting my three bags. A charity collection – put a bag in the stairwell – is opportune. My bags are lined up on a spare bed for the tail end of my packing; the washing machine is going nearly non-stop; and we’re eating oddly to use up our larder. Tomorrow we host a family dinner for 12 (four under five) at a nearby restaurant. Then it’s two full-on preschool days; a basket of flowers and a note in Polish for the preschool staff – and The End at 10am on Wednesday. No one will see us off – M has business in Düsseldorf and R is working. Suits us. I need to be unpreoccupied to make sure I don’t have a boarding pass for Luanda in someone else’s name, as happened once. (You did ask!!!) I still have time to give and receive hugs!


  5. What an incredibly beautiful site – I love that you captured it from so many different angles. There are just so many amazing architectural details. I’m not sure how anything else you did could measure up after starting with this on the first night of your trip!


    1. Yes, it was about 10 at night, Carol. 🙂 We arrived about 8, found a very nice restaurant a couple of doors away from the hotel, as we’d hardly eaten all day, and then ventured forth. I was beyond excited 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Firenze, oh Firenze! Have fun, Jo, and make sure your eyes don’t fall out. In Dutch there is an expression, saying something like “you won’t have enough eyes to take it all in”, 🙂


    1. I’m home already, with my eyes intact 🙂 🙂 Just! I never blog when I’m away. I like to savour the moments when I’m home again. Sometimes it’s very necessary to help lift the gloom.


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