Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore

St. Mary of the Flower, the Duomo, in Florence, and a cherished dream.  Would she disappoint?

I arrived mid-evening, after a long days travel, with legs that needed to be stretched and a bubble of excitement inside.  Into the darkening streets, gay voices filling the air and a buzz of purely Italian sociability.  Waiting for that moment when, rounding a corner, there she was, shining like a beacon.  Beckoning me to come closer, in adoration, and gaze on her transcendent beauty.


Round and round her I walked, gazing up at every aspect of her beauty.  Dizzy with the wonder of it all and beaming like a child.

Arms spread wide, my eyes followed her majesty up to the heavens.  I did not want my bubble ever to burst.  Easing myself away, with many a backward glance, I tried to reassure myself that she was real.  Never could I conjure such a figment of imagination.


In the days to come I will be sharing with you some of the history, as well as the beauty, that is Florence.  Right now I’m clinging to the Indelible memory of that first night.  Thank you, Paula, for such a very apt prompt.


  1. Magnificent buildings, I loved walking around all of them and at night they really glowed in the light. The first time I saw them my jaw dropped and I’ve been to Florence twice since then and still find myself awestruck. Did you get a chance to climb up to the top of the campanile or the duomo Jo? The view is fantastic on a clear day 🙂


    1. We went back the following afternoon, Sam, but bookings were closed. I did manage to climb the tower at Palazzo Vecchio the next day. Isn’t it the most magnificent place? I loved it! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Absolutely stunning images …What an amazing building. The top image is my favourite here …. because you have got 3 different buildings in it. Also you camera handle night shots great. Excellent job. What hotel did you stay at????


  3. la presentazione è ottima, ma icolori dei marmi sono quelli che mi fanno girare la testa ( la chiamano anche sindrome di Stendhal, perché pare ache anche lui si setisse svenire quando incontrava la BELLEZZA ASSOLUTA, niente come questo momumento mi fa stare così, aspetto quindi di vedere le tue immagini a colori
    un grosso bacio


  4. Oops… looks like you’re still in Florence 😉 You move around so much its difficult to keep up!

    And your love of Saint Maria’s cathedral in Florence is apparent, both from the carefully captured photos, and the poetic turn of phrase you used to transport us alongside you.

    So glad you have this experience!


    1. It was only a 3 day visit, Gabe. A Christmas present to each other because it’s somewhere I’ve wanted to go for the longest time and I found a very cheap offer. I loved it every bit as much as I hoped 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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