1. I don’t suppose Santa would mind being pulled by camels. Getting them to fly would be a neat trick 🙂 I saw you had a post up earlier but I was juggling spiced pork and phone calls. Chefery not my forte. See you soon!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. A delicious post Jo. Can’t fail with a child and animals. I hope you’re having a peaceful time. We celebrate a fourth birthday today, so there’ll be a chaos of six kidlets tearing round a small apartment on a rainy day. Are you 100%? Sending lazy-hugs your way.


    1. The twins 4th? How amazing to be 4, Meg! It’s a pink sky morning here and all is peaceful. I’m fine, thanks, but highly frustrated with this new laptop. How it hasn’t managed to wing its way out of the window yet I don’t know. 🙂 How was Swan Lake? Sunday hugs 🙂


      1. Pink sky morning – lovely. We’re looking at 9°. Disappointing for “Swan Lake”: no orchestra, big screens showing video of the action in a way you couldn’t ignore even if you didn’t need it, two tall men blocking stage view. However it got rousing applause.


  2. How adorable is that?! What a lovely find. Can’t help but brighten many faces this festive season.
    All is calm, all is bright here in preparation. I have given up getting in a tizzy about the holidays. 🙂


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