Of the night


I’m not known for my one shot posts, and certainly not for my night photography.  Browsing my photo files last night, I came across a rather wonderful memory.  Lumiere at Durham last November.  Looking at it, I could feel the atmosphere again as the scenes washed across the face of Durham Cathedral.  The crowd stood hushed throughout a powerful sound and light performance.

This week Paula is demanding something Nocturnal, and I’ve rarely seen a more beautiful photo of Belem.  By definition, nocturnal means ‘active at night’.  This is a rare shot I took with my phone because there was insufficient light for the camera.  Go over to Paula’s place and see what makes Thursday’s Special.  You’ll find a beautiful nocturnal creature if you do.


  1. It’s so funny that this post should combine a Lumiere event and a photo of Belem because the last ‘lumiere’ type event I went to was in Lisbon. They lit up all the buildings in the square with colour and videos and words and music. It was amazing! (And totally unexpected. We didn’t know it was on until we got there. We tend to do that a lot… )


    1. I really should make the effort to get back to Lisbon. It lost a little of its magic when I had my purse stolen there but that’s ancient history. Hope you’re enjoying your hard-earned holiday, Heather 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. As I may have mentioned previously, we landed in Lisbon after staying in Fes in Morocco. It was like heaven…. It will always hold a particular place in my heart.

        I’m enjoying the time and space to catch up on some blogs, do some reading and clean out the pantry. (Today I found a box of royal icing that had a best before date of May 2006. 😮 ) Thanks, Jo. 🙂


  2. It’s magical! And a great capture full of atmosphere. A few years ago there was this thing where images were projected onto the cathedral. I took my camera but the photos were a failure and must have deleted them at some point as I can’t find them. I’m impressed that you did so well with your phone in the dark x:-)x


  3. So were you here at the end of a walk, or was this the beginning? Just simply a lovely shot. Who doesn’t love a night shot well done. Did you use a tripod, or someone’s head, or hand held?


      1. Yeah, Part II may not happen, I found it a little too…sad. But hey, I have a problem with your site. When I go to your site, I can never find your latest post…where are they? Which category do I click? kWhen I clicked the link above, I went to it. When I click your name above, I go to it.


      2. I’m bemused by the mysteries of WP. When I visit someone’s site it’s usually straight from their last comment but if that doesn’t work I use the Reader. I have noticed that you don’t often comment on my latest (no criticism 🙂 🙂 ) Clicking on the Header should bring up the full site starting with most recent, but you shouldn’t have to do that. I can only apologise and send somebody round to kick WP’s cat. Ooops- didn’t mean it 🙂 🙂 And no, I wouldn’t really enjoy to read a sequel either. Thanks for your time and effort.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I think I have solved my problem with your site. Somehow, when I went to your site from my created list of sites (I find the Reader completely worthless…do you create a list in the Reader? I don’t know how to do that), I kept going to your old posts,and had to hunt for the newest ones. I took a walk in Prague…my latest post, and linked to you…YAY!! finally…


      4. You did!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 If I’m travelling I sometimes hop in the Reader if I have Wifi but my phone’s a bit of an old lady, not unlike yours truly 🙂 See you around!


  4. Well isn’t this a lovely one to come across in the archives Jo ! A lovely watercolour – y effect there which keeps one just looking and looking … Camera phones have come along way haven’t they , in the low light you captured a real goodie here x


    1. Hello, sweetheart! Lovely to see you here 🙂 How’s tricks? I’ve been in the garden doing veg for lunch with my foot up all morning (bit of an incident on the Moors 😦 ). Just popped laptop on for 5mins before I dish up. 🙂 It was a magical event, Poppy, and I enjoyed it so much! Looking forward to next year’s. 🙂 Sunday hugs!


      1. 😦 oh Jo sorry to hear that …you’re a trooper still doing lunch ! I ran away last week for an adventure on my ownsome down in Cornwall with a little red tent kettle and cameras 🙂 Such fun even in the rain ! Back yesterday I’m on laundry duties …Happy Sunday hugs too x


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