Six word Saturday


‘You’ve been framed’ in South Shields!

Another glorious day in the north east of England.  Looking out from the promenade you can see Tynemouth Priory in the distance, caught in the frame.  The Tall Ships have arrived in Blyth, just a little further up the coast.  Exciting times!

Here in the UK it looks like it could be a sunny Bank Holiday weekend.   Have a good one, everybody!  Sharing my six words with Cate and the Daily Post challenge.



  1. Unique sculpture that lets the viewer frame their own scene. Looks like a perfectday for sailing or just wandering about taking in the scene.


      1. Thanks Jo – I bet the lighthouse views were gorgeous. Still working on the pinched nerve in my neck, it’s not been a fun 5 weeks – my husband (bless his heart) said the pain has aged me and made my hair go gray!! I don’t have the heart to tell him that I was already going gray, lol!


      2. Such a shame, Mary, because you enjoy your art work so much. Hopefully physio can ease it for you. Daren’t send hugs in case they’re painful 😦


  2. Hello my lovely, these are perfect, made for the challenge this week. Look at that blue sky, I envy you the tall ships in weather like that, looking forward to your photos. Sounds like you’ve both been making the most of every moment, have a lovely Sunday, restFULL or not! Big Devon hugs coming your way x:-)x


    1. Funny how it sometimes works out, Gilly. I had a totally different 6 words in my head but when the Post challenge went up I did a complete about face. These photos just shouted too loud 🙂 🙂 I hope you’re hanging on to the good weather down there because you’re doing market stalls today, aren’t you? It started raining here last night and is still going strong this morning. So glad I saw the Ships yesterday! Sending bundles of love back to you 🙂 🙂


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