Come into the garden, Maude


I found the most wonderfully old-fashioned garden at Burton Agnes the other week.  It will be the subject of a future Monday walk, but I don’t want to get too repetitious.  So, as the month is ticking by and I need to find some vegetables for Jude, I thought I’d give you a swift appetiser.


Everybody needs ‘a man that does’, don’t they?  I played hide and seek with this one.

What was he planting?  Oh, I don’t know- the odd brassica and such, I suppose.  I thought I might write an ode to a brassica, purely because I like the sound of it.  But then I thought I’d better find out what it is.  Wikipedia can be so useful at times.

Not really my thing, veggies, but just wait until you see the ornamental gardens!  For now I’ll leave you with some fully stuffed borders.


Jude can do so much better.  Check out her Garden Challenge.  Lovely word, ‘potager’, isn’t it?


  1. Love those well- stuffed borders, and the industrious wire man. I wonder if he has a brain. I think that ‘Brassica’ is a rather posh word for cabbage. I never read an ode to a cabbage. 🙂


  2. Oh how I miss lush gardens. They just don’t grow them like that as these latitudes. Of course, we have many nice things to look at but the fragrance and the peace that can be found 40 degrees north and beyond compare. And is that a manor house that I see peeking out behind the garden in the last photo? I hope you will be able to give us a peek inside in a future post.


    1. The day was too fine to go inside and this was actually our second garden visit of the day (greedy, I know! 🙂 ) but I may well go back another day. So much more garden still to share, Lisa. I’ve loved having your company today. 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow. So beautiful. Great shots. Love the sculpture man made of wire. Love this garden. I just got back from volunteering at a community garden in Chicago, so am looking at this one you have captured, with much appreciation.



    1. That sounds like a wonderful thing to do, Peta. 🙂 I will do a follow up post on this garden sometime soon because it deserves very much more. So glad you like it.


      1. I do get free organic freshly picked spinach and mustard greens and radishes…which is a great side benefit!
        Check it out on Facebook if you get a minute…
        “Closed Loop Farms.”

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I have a hankering for him myself, Sue! I remember seeing twin wire men at Newstead Abbey when I was visiting Lisa last year, and now here’s a triplet 🙂 🙂


  4. This is such a beautiful garden, Jo. Working in the garden for hours every day, we certainly appreciate the nice views here an all the hard work behind the neat and tidy look. Phew, it’ still so hot …


    1. Dina, I’m much more likely to do my ‘lady of the manor’ act and a bit of casual dead-heading than any actual work in ours. My ‘man that does’ is starting to feel it, though 🙂 🙂 Thanks for your company, darlin’.

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  5. Lovely images Jo – it made me realise that I didn’t know the words to the song – this maybe explains why:

    To faint in the light of the sun that she loves.
    To faint in the light and to die.
    Come into the garden, Maud;
    I am here at the gate alone

    A bit dramatic for horticulture don’t you think 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I think that bloke must have a very stiff back bending over like that all the time, he needs a seat beside the border, I’d happily sit and make him listen to me 🙂


  7. I knew exactly how it feels when you see nature at this best! one of my pastimes when I’m taking a walk is admiring pretty ,homey, well-kept gardens. They are just so refreshing to see:)


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