Six word Saturday


Reasons to be cheerful, 1, 2….




It’s been a cold and murky old week here in the north east of England, but are we down-hearted?  Reasons to be cheerful this week include a stroll through the back streets of Durham, and a trip to Newcastle-on-Tyne to meet up with a lovely friend.  I came across a few Numbers along the way.

Share your ‘reasons to be cheerful’ with Cate at Six Word Saturday.  Have a good weekend and I’ll see you on Monday for a cool, English walk.



    1. I had to flip back to see which 6WS this was, Cathy 🙂 Seems ages ago 🙂 Thanks for spending so much time with me. I’ll pop over and check out your latest when I get this week’s walk done. I never think I’m going to have enough time (and last week I didn’t 😦 ). Hugs, sweetheart! Sending love on 9/11.


  1. So much to smile at and be happy Jo. 191/2 makes me wonder Why??? there must be a story there… Hope the sun has returned to your corner of the world.


    1. I know! Bizarre, isn’t it? I suppose I might find something on Google. 🙂 Sun has finally arrived and I’m about to head for the garden for breakfast. Still a little fresh, but we’re getting there.


  2. I love funky numbers and I am amazed that you ALWAYS find interesting things to do and intriguing things to photograph. I took your advice and shared my reason to be cheerful with Cate as well, on Saturday evening. It involves Belgian chocolate… 🙂


    1. That sounds like a good share, Liesbet. I’ve just been finishing off some lemon meringue icecream with blackberries. Life’s hard sometimes, isn’t it? 🙂


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