Jo’s Monday walk : Following mountain goats!


Now don’t be too alarmed!  It’s not as bad as it seems, and if you really don’t have a head for heights- well, you can tak’ the low road, and I’ll tak’ the high road.  To be completely truthful, I was out of my comfort zone for a short while, but we can blame the partner for that (and he’s not here to defend himself).

The area along the River Guadiana is wonderfully peaceful at most times of the year.  In places the road stays quite close to the river, making for a lovely scenic drive.  But, of course, you have to get out of the car to admire the scenery properly.  You never know quite what you’ll find.  Parking alongside the tiny village of Laranjeiras, our first discovery was the ruins of a Roman villa.  Not a lot to see, but the remains appear to date back to the 7th century.

Strolling into the village, life seemed to centre around a little riverside cafe, from which you could watch the occasional boat mooring at the jetty.  A couple of youngsters indulged in that age old pastime of skimming stones.  Entertainment for me presented itself in the form of a boatman, with a delivery of tarpaulin for the little boatyard.  His antics, trying to find a convenient space to offload his cargo in the minute space, kept me happy.

The moorings at Laranjeiras

The moorings at Laranjeiras

Never content to sit for too long, I had a mooch about while Michael consulted the map.  A path seemed to lead up the hillside and run parallel to the river before dipping back down at the next village, Guerreiros do Rio.  Gamely, we set off.

But not before I had admired this 'Maypole' in the village

But not before I had admired this sign of celebration in the village

And soon we're out of the village looking down

And then we climbed out of the village, and looked down

There wasn’t much sign of the path and it was a bit of a scramble.  Stopping to catch breath, we heard a tinkling sound, and suddenly two dogs burst out of the scrub.  They darted to and fro, rustling between them a magnificent herd of goats.  Sighting us, the creatures pressed on, with nervous sidewards glances.  The goatherd gave us a nod, a third dog rounded up the stragglers, and the pack headed for home.  Happy to have found a proper path, we followed them.

Keep moving boys- they're watching us!

Keep moving boys- they’re watching us!

The trail rolled off across the hills, but we were quite happy to take a branch that led back down to the riverside.  Enough of adventure!

All was calm down on the riverbank

All was calm, down by the river

It looks dry, doesn’t it?  It had been a long, hot Summer and was still very warm in early September.  Just around the bend we reached the next village, Guerreiro do Rios.  Time for a drink!  As usual, I left Michael sitting in the shade, while I went off to explore the back streets.

When I returned, one of those village cats had attached itself to Michael and was greedily begging the ham from his toastie.  Good job he didn’t have the tuna kebabs he’d been fancying!  Strangely, the cat was not at all interested in my glass of delicious white.  I didn’t have time to hang about because I had discovered that the Museu do Rio was open! (the link is in Portuguese but you can translate it if you like)

We had passed the sign before, but never gone into this small museum, tucked away from the road.  Here was my opportunity!

And interactive displays too

There were interactive displays

Telling the history of life on the river

Telling the history of life on the river

A lot has been achieved in the space available.  I chatted to the nice young lady at the till, who sold me a ticket for 1.50 euro.  This was also valid for admission to the castle at Alcoutim, a few miles up the road.  A bargain, I thought!  The museum is open daily except Mondays.

For us it was time to amble back along the riverbank, occasionally stopping to admire passing craft.

Back to our start point

Back at our start point

The tiny harbour at Laranjeiras

The tiny harbour at Laranjeiras

I hope you enjoyed our little Algarve adventure.  It’s quite easy to just walk along the road and back between the two villages, if you don’t want to go following goats.  It’s not a busy road.  The riverside junction leading south from Alcoutim is the easiest way to find the villages.

Don’t let anybody tell you that the Algarve is just a strip of boring beaches, will you?  Not in my experience, anyway.

walking logo

And now it’s time to turn our attention to other people’s walks.  Thank you so much to all my contributors.  You take me to places I might never reach on my own.  Anyone is welcome to join in, and it’s very straightforward.   My Jo’s Monday walk page has all the details.  Just click on the logo above.   Let’s put the kettle on and settle in for a good read, shall we?


Benches actually have several uses in Anabel’s world.  Highly useful on a walk!

Balloch benches

Fancy taking the train?  Let’s go to Montreux with Drake!  No regrets, I promise :

Heaven for everyone

I gather there has been lots of rain in Texas, but Amy’s found some sunshine :

Monday Walk : Texas Countryside (Part 2)

A lady I’d never heard of next, but an interesting post from Jackie, in Canada :

Laura Secord

Demonstrating her versatility, Violet Sky finds us some very scenic caves!

Seeing the caves

So many lovely things to discover in Tasmania, thanks to Ruth :

Taroona Coastal Path

I need to pull my socks up!  I haven’t even made it to Amsterdam yet, and here’s Rotterdam looking so beautiful!

Rotterdam in a Day (part 1)

We’re joined this week by Fifi and Hop- isn’t that a great name?  Please go and say ‘hi’ to Corey!

Walkway over the Hudson : World’s longest elevated pedestrian bridge

Indra at Trav Trails certainly covers some ground.  Can you keep up?

Four Cities and an Island

Geoff’s Dog has had a poorly paw, so we might have to slow down a bit on this one :

The Capital Ring- Highgate to Stoke Newington

‘Do you want this walk’, asked Meg?  You HAVE to be joking!  Wait till you see it!

Eurobodalla beaches : Bingie Beach North

Come and sing some Bruce Springfield with me?  I love this song!  Thanks, Kaz :

Travel Album : Philadelphia 

Nearer home, I don’t think I’ve been to Anglesey!  Have you?  Looking good!

Flashback Walks : Holyhead Mountain

And it’s simply impossible not to enjoy one of Tish’s posts!  Look and learn!

It’s a wonderful world

As Jaspa demonstrates, on his trip to South America :

Cartagena, Columbia : UNESCO World Heritage Site

But you don’t have to go past Worcestershire for beauty- or pretty much anywhere on Jude’s blog!

Garden Portrait : Arley Arboretum

Aren’t they a fantastic selection?  Thank you very much everybody!  I’m off to the Lake District on Thursday, celebrating another birthday, so hopefully I’ll have an English walk for you next week.  Have a great time till then!  Monday Escapes is on again this week if you’d like to join in.


  1. What a delightful adventure taking off on unknown tracks then coming across a little slice of rural Algarve farm life. Those goats have such pretty coloured coats. Definitely my type of walk, I enjoyed coming along with you Jo.


  2. I have no worries following mountain goats…they know where they’re going. I want to live in that little blue house…or one of those sailboats! I’m adding my “walk” on the beach in Oman, although much of the trip was done in a Jeep!!


  3. I thought that was my summerhouse in one of your photos Jo, and had to do a double take! (The blue ones!). And those kitty cats, so gorgeous ❤ Your goat pics remind me very much of Crete, as does the landscape. Looks hot and dry and then with the contrast of the blue sky and water makes for yet another beautiful, travel post. I feel like I take a mini holiday every time I visit you 🙂


  4. hai trovato anche tu i micetti nel tuo magico scenario del Portogallo, oltre le caprette.
    Davvero un sensazionale e coloratissimo post,sei bravissima! un grande abbraccio cara Giovanna ( hai visto il mio Gino? )


  5. I love the idea of following the goats, Jo! Gorgeous walk and photos as always – a glass of white in such idyllic surroundings sounds an excellent idea. The cats are so cute though am glad they weren’t interested in your wine. I’m assuming that the Algarve has a similar climate to us here in SW Western Australia – dry hot summers and wet mild winters? We’ve had some shifts in recent years with some summer storms (though not too many really) and drier winters, which have meant very crisp clear and cold winter nights. You mentioned it had been an especially hot and dry summer so I wondered therefore if the Algarve gets a bit more summer rain than we usually do here in Perth? Hope you’re having a lovely week! 🙂


    1. Weather seems so much more unpredictable than it once did, Rosemay (or is that me looking back at ‘golden days’? 🙂 ) It’s usually dry July-September but outside of that it can be anything. We’re returning at the end of this month so I’ll let you know how I fare then :). Off to our Lakes tomorrow and I’m anticipating WET :(. Take care!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I want to sail there Jo! The landscapes are gorgeous, the seas look inviting, the traditional homes charming and those goats were absolutely adorable. But I was particularly attracted to that magnificent ’sign of celebration’.Work of art. I see from your response to Indah you are not sure what they were celebrating but whatever it is, I want to go!

    PS – the rain has still not let up here, so thanks for that 💦…although I see from the comments that you are now experiencing fog so I guess we are both in the same boat weather wise


    1. I can definitely commiserate on the weather, Lisa. It’s my birthday tomorrow and I’m heading for the wettest place in Britain, the Lake District. I had visions of stands of Autumn trees reflected in the water, but I might end up with a murky big puddle. 😦 😦 You’ll be hitting all the Sydney museums? (or the bars 🙂 🙂 )

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I love the way there is always such a rich history in these places, Jo, and I’m glad the cat didn’t prefer wine to ham 😉 I have a dog who (I’m sure) must have been a goat herder in a past life – she rounds up everything!Those types of dogs are great 😀


  8. Amazing walk – so many much star qualities in these places
    – and so I even not mentioned the goats yet, they are outstanding… 🙂

    Really enjoyed this walk, so wonderful… 🙂


      1. One of my favorites talking songs are “You’ll never walk alone” – enjoy walking with you… 🙂

        By the way next week I’m back in L’pool – leading a 3 weeks business training seminar… 🙂


  9. I’m very glad you followed goats – an added frisson! It looks like a wonderful walk and the photos are splendid: boats, red doors, bright flowers, and a fishnet not unlike the one in the NGA.


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