Black and White 5 day Challenge- Day 3

I’m quite beginning to enjoy myself with this challenge!  Pauline told me I would.  When my husband saw my Day 2 photo yesterday he guessed Seville.  Honestly, you’d think we took separate holidays! (well, we do occasionally, but that’s a different story).  His excuse was, he spends his time looking out for bollards and potential hazards in my path.  He has a point!


I promised an easier clue today, and I’m not sure that this fits the bill but, when I converted it from colour it developed a charm all of its own.  I’ve tried to use photos that you’ve never seen before.  Tomorrow’s will give the game away for sure.  Any idea where it is yet?

My nominations for the challenge came from Pommepal and Wilbur’s Travels, so I owe thanks to them.  Please visit and say ‘hi’.

There are only two rules for this challenge:

1. On 5 consecutive days, create a post using either a past or recent photo in B&W.
2. Each day invite another blog friend to join in the fun.

Next the tricky part.  So many people have already taken this challenge.  I’m going to nominate Kannika at Kan Walk Will Travel.  You may know that she runs a lovely challenge called ‘Joy is’ and the link will take you to an explanation of her unusual name.


  1. No idea. Portugal? But what an beautifully evocative photo this is Jo, I just love the way you’ve captured the boy making those huge bubbles with that gorgeous building behind him. And I think I’m losing the plot, having now told you TWICE that I’m doing this challenge, and forgetting what I’m telling who…think I need to put the laptop away and get out in the sunshine!!! Will read your next post first though… 😉


  2. Really does have charm and character in monochrome.
    Just catching up on this series and know the answer now cus I just saw week 4. But I’d have guessed Sitges for the first 2 and had no idea for this one!


    1. I enjoyed doing it this way, Debs, and a lot of people humoured me. We’re good sorts, us bloggers, aren’t we? 🙂 Keep meaning to say that I love your new Gravatar. Happy Saturday!


      1. Won’t be snippet ing till I finish Warsawing. Three in the pipeline, but I’m less than clear-headed, despite a sleep around the clock, and another three hour sleep, taking me up to1.30pm. Should be unjetlagged soon. Thanks for keeping up with me – more than I can do! Djiadek has already savoured twin photos – couldn’t wait when he dropped me off, even though I couldn’t feed him.


      2. If I don’t see them give me a prod because I don’t have your Warsaw blog in my Reader. I’ve never experienced jetlag ‘properly’ (if there’s any such way) 🙂


  3. queste vostre sfide per me sono un vero rompicapo…ha ha ha, ma divertente, la città sembra essere dell’est europa, Praga o Budapest,,,e quel signore forse si sta preparando alla preghiera
    in ogni caso la foto è bella


    1. Nope! Western Europe, Ventis 🙂 I’ve never been to Prague or Budapest, though I’d love to. Happy if I can keep you entertained 🙂 Have a lovely weekend, cara. Baci xx


  4. That photo is perfect for black & white, Jo, or rather the sepia tone you chose. It looks very nostalgic, as if it were taken 75 years ago. I think it looks Parisian, but what do I know? 🙂


    1. You’ve been there, Cathy, and I can assure you it’s not Paris. 🙂 I much prefer the various ‘tones’ to stark black and white but don’t actually know if they’re allowed in this challenge. (I didn’t ask in case somebody said no!)


    1. The original looked a bit ‘wishy washy’ but I thought this had such a nice ‘olden’ feel to it. I’ll be publishing colour and B & W versions on Sunday. Thank you 🙂


    1. I almost had a heart attack last night, Viv! I was preparing the 5 and got ahead of myself. And I’d miscounted!!! I intended to start on Tuesday and thus finish Saturday, so had my ‘grand reveal’ in the planning. Pride comes before a fall because I hit Publish in error, then had to scurry about consigning it to Trash! You have to laugh 🙂 🙂 Wasted a bit of time because I’ve had to rewrite this morning. Will I ever be ready for Monday’s walk? 🙂

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