Black and White 5 day Challenge- Day 2

They tell me these challenges are addictive.  Are you hooked yet?  Yesterday I published Day 1 of the Black and White 5 day Challenge and asked if anyone knew where it was.  Turns out not even my husband recognised it, and he was there at the time!  So, here’s another clue for you today.


This one has a distinctive feel to it, doesn’t it, and yet there are a few places it could be.  It won’t help you to know that I like this better in black and white than my original, but there’ll be a better clue coming up tomorrow.

I have to thank Pommepal and Wilbur’s Travels for nominating me for this challenge.  Both of them did a great job, with vastly differing styles.

There are only two rules for this challenge:

1. On 5 consecutive days, create a post using either a past or recent photo in B&W.
2. Each day invite another blog friend to join in the fun.

Today I’m inviting Debbie at Travel with Intent.  She’s a seriously busy lady so she might not have the time but she’s an ace at black and white.  I think she may know where my photo was taken too.  No obligation to join in, of course.


  1. Wonderful. I’m having a bash at this challenge next week Jo, veering completely away from my normal stuff, whatever that is, ha! I’ve yet to figure out how to use the new photo editing software that came with my new laptop though…hopefully not too complicated 😉


  2. Lovely in monochrome Jo. I love how you have also turned it into a puzzle. I’m cheating a bit by reading all the comments and my guess is with Jude in Spain…


    1. You’re in the right area, Pauline 🙂 There have been so many attempts at this challenge and not being a photographer I thought I needed to offer something of a diversion. It seems to be working 🙂


      1. It has got every one intrigued Jo, a great idea… I had to chuckle when I saw some one had spotted your “mistaken” post. I guess all will be revealed soon…


      2. I’ve had nightmares with it, Pauline! I tried to retrieve my ‘grand reveal’ from the trash last night, to save me re-doing it and it appeared as Published again! I thought I would be able to use Edit first. Live and learn! The whole world knows where it is but you’re all being good sports and humouring me 🙂


    1. Thanks, darlin 🙂 It’s funny, isn’t it, how some people are really drawn to black and white? I planned a ‘big reveal’ on day 5 but I may have messed up. 😦


  3. Gorgeous architecture. Portugal? Or Spain? Could be a Californian mission, but I don’t think you have been there (??) which would lead me to Spain.


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