Six word Saturday


I love it, but hate it!

You know what I’m talking about.  Magical soft fat flakes that have me rushing out to play.  Followed by grumpy Alice a day or two later, when it’s turned to a slippery grey skating rink.

Click on the first photo to see them in gallery form.  It’s clever, isn’t it?

Have you got six words to sum up your week?  Cate at Show My Face will be delighted for you to join in.  Click on the header or the link to find out more.



  1. And here I am in the desert of Arizona, longing for a week or two in the snow….to hear the awesome silence, to feel the bright sting on my face, to fall down in the pillowy cushion … notice I said nothing about the treacherous driving or the dreary days of grey skies and melting muddy slush. Enjoy!


  2. I LOVE snow especially now since I’ve been inlove with snowboarding more than four years ago. I get sooo excited when I see snow falling, snow-capped peaks, and etc! Snow has kept my winter-blues away…


  3. I love the new galleries from WordPress, and you’ve utilized them well. But what I really like is your funny personality and how you keep it all real! Beautiful shots.

    Take care, Jo


    1. Thanks a lot, Elisa. I wasn’t too sure when the galleries came out, because I like to “walk people through” my posts. But now I’ve used it a time or two I can see the value, and it’s nice to be able to ring the changes (all thanks to WP with just a little effort from me)


    1. Thanks, Suze. I think you’re getting much more than us at present? Keep safe. I’m off to Tavira on Saturday. I can just about wait! Got to do some serious catch up reading now as I’ve just done Jake’s.


  4. I know what you mean. I think snow is so beautiful, but it is also such a pain in the butt…. It would be great if it only snowed on weekend and was all clean and melted by Monday


    1. My daughter has similar ideas, Hilary. She gets married in 3 weeks time and has requested snow on the rooftops and the grass verges, but not on the roads and pavements.


  5. Its beautiful if I don’t have to be driving in it, but if I have to drive in it, then I’m one that didn’t like it the eight years we lived in Montana. It is so pristine and glistening 🙂

    love all the pictures!



  6. Great photography Jo I really love it and for sure I need a gallons of coffee if I`m there,kidding ….Excellent post my friend 🙂


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