Six word Saturday

A walk on the lilac side

Last Sunday, our anniversary, was a day of “have to do” things, but I had a little indulgence planned for Monday.  One of my favourite places locally, I eagerly await the blooming of the heather on the North York Moors.  It’s late this year, and what can become rampant, rolling plum is still a gentle lilac, but no less lovely for that.

A sea of lilac

Climbing back into Castleton village

If I lived in the village I’d have to take the whole of August off, just to sit and gaze, and meander through the heather.

Back to reality and our stomaches were calling, so we wandered into Castleton and I had a glorious chicken and leek pie at the Downe Arms.  The service was wonderfully friendly and the range of food impressive in this old stone village pub.

It’s quite a haul back up the hill to the parking, but you can take it slow.

Join me next week on Six Word Saturday?  Grateful thanks to Cath of Show My Face, my hostess.  The header and the links take you to her page to join in, and read the other entries.  It’s kind of my Saturday gossip!


  1. Thank you for giving me the link Jo 🙂 I miss some of your posts. I love heather, but so far I have seen it only in pots here. I wish I could run those fields…


    1. I guess you need colder weather- no, a different climate, I think! Yours isn’t so bad 🙂 Definitely a place to play at “Wuthering Heights”. I always want to sing the Kate Bush song about Cathy and Heathcliff.


      1. Shame! 🙂
        I hadn’t realised that this was my “anniversary” post last year. I just remembered that I had an old post with heather in. Must be a yearly tradition.
        Nearly time to go and make our tea and sing 🙂


  2. As a young child I read numerous books about the moors in England. However, I had no concept of what a moor was or what grew there. But the books must have provided some sort of clues, because your photos epitomize what I imagined!
    In the last few years, I was fortunate to be able to tour some parts of the UK on my bike. Riding through the Scottish moors was just magic. The heather was out too, which made it even better!


    1. You know, I’m mostly a beach rambling sort of person, but there’s something about the Moors that really lifts my spirit. Even just thinking about them, I’m singing that Kate Bush song in my head- the one about Heathcliff. Glad you enjoyed.


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