
You never really know what’s coming next in the world of blogging, do you?  You post something, then anxiously await comments and approval.  While you’re waiting you read emails and lose yourself in other people’s blogs.  Then you realise that you’ve actually been named in the blog you’re reading!  Yes, restlessjo, that’s definitely you.  Oh, panic…what do I have to do in response?

Well, it’s not too awful.  I don’t have to go wrestle alligators or punch sharks on the nose!  Just as well really as I’d be rubbish at both.  In fact, all I have to do is respond graciously and then I get to check out a whole list of bloggers, some of whom are old friends but many of whom are new to me.  And so the blogging world spins on, and I forget all about those comments I was waiting for (not really!)  Great, isn’t it?

So, in time honoured fashion, I’m about to say “thank you so much” to Meg for sharing the 7 X 7 Link Award with me.  Meg’s is certainly one of those blogs that I can get deliciously lost in.  Gorgeous Capri, the canals of Venice or the shot below of the Giverny Gardens in Paris (pinched from her “The Beautiful Flowers of Giverny” blog- apologies Meg!) Hard to resist?  Go and have a look- there’s sure to be something to take your fancy.

I hadn’t come across this award before and found it quite difficult to do.  You have to provide links to your own blogs in 7 different categories, then pass the award on to 7 other bloggers.  I ended up lost in my own blog for a change!  Can I really have written all this stuff since my start up last September?  Seemingly so!  Here goes:

Most beautiful piece:-

Most popular:- 

Most helpful :- 

Most controversial:-

Most surprisingly successful:-

Most underrated:-

Most pride worthy:-

Dad (centre) reunited with his brothers and sisters after 64 years

That’s the hard part done!  I just need to nominate some lovely bloggers now, but in the same week I was amazed to receive the Versatile Bloggers Award from Francine in Retirement.

Having been nominated for this I’d better keep my obsession with travel under control and deviate from the subject a little.  Thank you for your faith in me Francine.  I so love the words BE ENCOURAGED! BE BLESSED! with which you end each of your comments.  Follow this link to Francine’s “Happy St Patrick’s Day” post.  It’s so typical of her and I love it.

In recognition of my Versatile Blogger Award I need to acknowledge and link to the awarding blog, nominate 15 bloggers, and tell 7 facts about me.

Here are my nominees:

Some of you may have one of the Awards but I don’t think anyone has both- it’s sometimes hard to tell.  Apologies if I offend anyone.

Finally my little known facts:


1. I started my working life as a trainee fashion buyer for Top Shop.

2. I still love fashion but would much rather spend the money on travel and wear old tops and raggy jeans.

3. Have a bit of a “thing” for Rafa Nadal (not alone, am I?) and have been known to sit up till 4 in the morning or whatever it takes to see the completion of one of his matches.

Rafa, Paris 2011, from Wikipedia- sadly I wasn't there

4. I can neither drive nor ride a bike, which accounts for all the walking I do, though I’m so poorly coordinated it’s a wonder I can manage that.

5. My sense of direction is even worse than my coordination, so you know that left to myself I’m in real trouble! (Mick knows that if I say right, we absolutely should be heading left)

6. Can NOT resist sunshine- it lights up my world!

7. My latest addicton is oat and carrot cake- so nice!

So, that’s me all done.  Sorry that this is a long post but I’m sure you’ll find some great blogs to check out in my nominations.  Once more, big thanks to Meg and Francine for nominating me and for providing me with so much enjoyment.  Better go and advise my nominees now.


  1. Congratulations on your awards – well-deserved! I didn’t learn to drive until I was thirty (I was secretly waiting for horses to make a comeback as the primary form of personal transportation!)
    I enjoyed driving in the UK, but here in Canada it’s a whole different ball game, poor signage, badly designed roads and careless drivers mean you really do take your life in your hands on the highway…


  2. Congratulations Jo, your blog is simply amazing!! 😀 & I am truly thrilled to be nominated to the Versatile Blogger Award by you 🙂
    As for your ‘little known facts,’ we share the 3rd, 4th & the 5th one!! 😀



  3. Many congratulations Jo! (And, just so’s you know, you’re certainly not alone in number 3 of your list!) Thank you very much for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award, that’s very kind of you, I’m honoured.


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