Six word Saturday

A New Life in the Algarve

So what was I doing in Aljezur last weekend, apart from not losing a flip-flop? I was collecting my copy of a book. A book in which I have a very humble part to play. When I was asked by Alyson if I would like to write a chapter for the anthology she was considering, I had no idea who my companion authors might be. I only knew that they were people who had chosen to live here, in the Algarve. I composed my chapter, revised it a time or three, and off it went. Months later, here I am, avidly turning the pages.

The stories are many and various, and I find myself in awe of the achievements of some. Debby Burton is the formidable organiser of the charity Alerta. Almost every summer wildfires break out in our tinder dry hills, and are fought by brave teams of poorly funded men and women. Fear and dread almost paralyse me at the thought, but Debby has coordinated the most amazing network of volunteers. They do everything from raising funds for essentials to manning a production line to ensure that the firefighters are fed and hydrated for their mammoth task. Ten percent of the revenue from sales of this book will go to Alerta, which make it a worthwhile read in itself, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Another charity that Alyson, and photographer husband Dave, have supported throughout their years in the Algarve is Madrugada. Life-threatening health issues were the basis for John Hough and his partner to seek help from, and then become involved in the running of, Madrugada. It provides care and support for people affected by life limiting illness and bereavement. But this is no sob story and the popping of champagne corks and extravagant wedding plans are all part of the saga. 22 chapters, including one from Alyson herself, tell tales of artists and sculptors, wine makers, cooks and caterers, a couple who run a yurt, an ayurvedic therapist, publishers of a high profile magazine… the list goes on. Our common bond is our love for this land which has adopted us, and given us all A New Life. I think you’ll find it an entertaining read.

Huge thanks to Aly for her sterling work on our behalf. This link will take you to the photos to accompany the book.

Now that I’ve pushed my six words to the limit, I’d like to add that this Monday will be my last Jo’s Monday walk for a while. Cheers, Debbie! Wishing everyone a great Bank Holiday!



  1. Hi restless Jo
    congrats on the book chapter and I look forward to reading this book.
    Also, I know you said no walks for a while, but I do have one in the works and so will have the draft waiting for July or until you green light them again.
    Hope your month of June is going well


  2. Jo, how exciting for you to be part of this book, celebrating your adopted country and the creativity and positive work unleashed within so many of the new residents. Portugal has always seemed like a most special place, welcoming newcomers whilst at the same time giving them the harmony to become the people they’ve always wanted to be. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading through the link, about the various contributors to the book and about their reasons for finding themselves in the country. Inspiring and incredible!


  3. That glimpse of the book is intriguing, Is there some way of ordering without going through Amazon?
    I’ll have to make some time to dig a bit deeper than the usual blog post skim… πŸ€—


    1. I really don’t know about that, Gunta. I’ve not been involved in the marketing, but I can ask Alyson, if you give me a day or two πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Thanks, hon!


      1. It’s OK, Jo. I just have ‘issues’ with Amazon, so I’ll just spend some more time online looking at what you put up. The stories of the folks involved are fascinating.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. How fun to be featured Jo – and the book sounds terrific! we have semi-family (by marriage) in Portugal and we have promised ourselves we will visit as soon as we are comfortable with the COVID-climate. It is number 1 on my future travel list!!


    1. It’s a good read, Tina, and there are lots of useful resources in there too. I feel very inferior compared to many of those participating but we each have a story πŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ’•


    1. Fabulous! Thanks so much, Rosemay. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! πŸ€£πŸ’•
      After a busy week we’re hanging around waiting for news of Marie today and Mick is resting his foot. He has a tendency to gout and we’re walking again tomorrow πŸ™„πŸ’•
      Hope you had a good weekend πŸ’•πŸ’•

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It was quite the adventure Jo (for me anyway!). Hope you have a good walk tomorrow and Mick’s foot feels much better soon. Alas not much walking here – we’ve had storms and torrential rain since Friday. Our insurance company is sorting out the aftermath – the gutters overflowed causing damage under the eaves (freshly painted last year) and we had to have an emergency electrician out to make things safe after water got into one of the outside lights and outed the lighting circuit for the house. Never mind worse things happen at sea! Will be along tomorrow for the Monday Walk, take care xx πŸ’•


  5. oh wow Jo, how wonderful. Congratulations – look forward to reading it. Sending you extra hugs today, hope there is a release this weekend for you all xxx


  6. How nice that you were involved in the creation of this book. I trust that your contribution was as forthright and entertaining as your blog. Enjoy your blogging break.


  7. Congratulations, Jo, you’re a wonderful and interesting writer so I’m not surprised that you were asked to contribute to the book. An uplifting post, and I’m feeling happy for you 😊


    1. Thanks so much, Suzanne! I always wanted to write a book, but I don’t have half of Alyson’s drive and determination and I’d never make it to the publishing stage. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


    1. This country is rich in beauty and in spirit, Rebecca, but it’s not so rich in the monetary sense, and this book showcases many ways in which we can help. I was proud to be a part of that πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

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