1. Thanks a lot, Tina 🙂 🙂 If you saw the preceding post you will know it has been a rough week but I’ve come out at the other end. All the best to you and yours this Christmas.


  1. Cute. The church looks like it is made from sugar cubes. I hope you are resigned to your very different Christmas this year. At least it will be warmer than here! And peaceful. And BTW I’d delete those comments from Abdoulie – I popped over to ‘his’ site and he is one of those ‘bloggers’ who simply repost other’s posts – including this one of yours – without permission.


    1. I know. I checked him/her out too. Surprised when I got hit on for money. Always feel privileged and guilty but no apparent reason for the poverty 🙄
      Resigned? Not really, but Boris has stuffed everyone, hasn’t he? Busy here all next week but Christmas Day I don’t have a plan. 💕💕


      1. Just a scammer. Get rid. And yes it’s getting dire here again, but hopefully this means less people travelling to Cornwall, I know, selfish, but we prefer to be safe. Ending up in hospital is not where we want to be.

        Liked by 1 person

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