Past meets present in Hartlepool

It’s all a matter of perspective, isn’t it?  Once Hartlepool had thriving docklands where we’re standing now.  In 1913 alone over 1 million tons of timber and iron-ore were imported, and 2.5 million tons of coal and coke from the Durham pits left these docks.  World War II brought change, as well as bombardment, but the town picked itself up and looked for new industries to replace the old.

In the 1990s a marina brought a new lease of life to the town.  Old shipbuilding skills had not been lost and HMS Trincomalee was restored locally, soon to be joined by the paddlesteamer PSS Wingfield Castle.  Both now form part of Hartlepool’s Maritime Experience museum.  But what of the surrounds?  There we have an issue or two with our local council.  Jackson’s Landing was an attractive looking shopping complex, whose cafe enjoyed some of the best views in Hartlepool. Today it has been razed to the ground, after standing empty for countless years.  The seagulls now enjoy the forlorn open space.

But it’s not all bad, as you can see.  Great skies!  And Thursday’s Special has me back in our marina again, thanks to Paula.


  1. I love the two so different blues of the sky and ocean as they meet in your photos…then interrupted by man’s creations! The figures from 1913 about the port are staggering…the ports have changed beyond recognition and so many decisions have yet to be made about their future.


  2. Glad they have the maritime museum Jo but a pity there is no cafe/restaurant overlooking the marina – it would be the perfect place to look out to sea. Lovely blue skies though – marinas are such lovely places 🙂


    1. There are lots of restaurants and cafes on the far side of the marina, by the lock gates, Rosemay, and they do very well. But this was a really attractive small shopping mall with a bird’s eye view of the marina. Unfortunately it didn’t thrive. 😦 Too much competition from Next and all the fashion stores, I guess.

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      1. Just being with children for more than an hour wears me out! Grandparents were not expected to join in – they sat in armchairs and read bedtime stories! I don’t know how Meg managed it in Poland.

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  3. Yes, wonderful skies, what a pity the area isn’t fully used. I despair of local councils, we seem to have an endless load of restaurants and chain shops, but nothing is manufactured anymore. Every bit of land or old building that can be is made into student accommodation. So jobs are all about service industry and low paid. So how can those people afford to eat out all the time? Grrrhh, the worlds gone mad!$£$! 🙂


  4. That first shot is a real stunner. It’s good to see Hartlepool with its new lease of life. But what is it about council’s? Don’t do things you want them to do, and then do things you really don’t want, or appear to be in no one’s interests. Hmph. Feel another dose of tetchiness coming on.


    1. It’s not bad for local scenery, is it, Emilio? People are sometimes quite disparaging about the north east, but I can find plenty to love. (apart from the council 🙂 ). Thanks, hon!


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