Jo’s Monday Walk: Beaver Creek

Isn’t Amy the sweetest lady? (as well as being a great photographer) Come on- walk with us!

The World Is A Book...


Beaver Creek used to be one of our favorite ski places when we were living in Boulder, Colorado. Now it’s been a perfect place for us to escape Texas summer heat.


This is such a beautiful village for hiking, biking, and scenery-gazing during summer. Last time, when hubby attended a week-long retreat here, I enjoyed my daily walked/hiked along the trails.

VailBeaver CVail-2BCreekVail-8

The lovely town of Vail is only a few miles away from Beaver Creek. But, both Vail and Beaver Creek have been commercialized and overbuilt, lots of shops, art galleries, condos, and restaurants, besides luxurious accommodations. It does make you wonder where have all the trees gone…


Thanks to Jo for her inspiring Monday WalkHope you will join us and share your walk, thoughts, stories, and/or photos 🙂

Have a great week!

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  1. What a fantastic walk .. thanks for sharing Amy’s world with me. Very likeness France, Switzerland and Austria … we could been in any of their alps regions.


    1. Beautiful, isn’t it? Amy doesn’t use FB or Twitter so I thought it would be nice to share this way, but it’s a little confusing. Decided to put the links at the bottom of my walks post then maybe on my Restlessjo FB page.


      1. Lucky Amy, that hasn’t fallen into the trap of social media. Good for her … *smile
        Still he has so many followers – excellent job.
        Beautiful blog she has.


  2. Between you and Amy and the gorgeous photo’s you both share I am having lots of fun going on these virtual walks Jo. Thanks for sharing hon. 😀 ♥ Big Hugs ♥


    1. Hope you’re not as confused as I am, Sonel! I feel like I’m doing two walks at once 🙂 But Amy’s post is beautiful, isn’t it? And entirely different from mine, which is kind of the point 🙂 Have a happy day, hon.


      1. Not at all hon and I can see why you had to feature Amy’s post as well and I get the point you were making. Well done. 😀 Have a happy day too sweetness. ♥ Hugs ♥


  3. Good grief, Jo! I’m obviously a bit slow… I saw the original post on a blog that I don’t follow. Your Gravatar there led me to believe that it was your post. I’ve finally banished the Mad Cow and figured it out! Chuckle… There is so much to see here! wow. 🙂 I loved this walk with Amy, by the way, and her photographs too.


    1. So sorry to confuse, George! I confuse myself at times 🙂
      I’m not a fan of reblogging for that reason. I tried to divert the comments to Amy’s blog but wasn’t clever enough. It’s a beautiful post, isn’t it, and I was so happy that Amy joined in on my new walking series.


      1. Yes, it really was a fine post! I don’t know how to close comments even. If I knew how to divert comments, I’d tell you. Richard Guest knows, I’m certain. Ask him. He’s a really nice guy. 🙂


      2. Thanks, George. Amy’s a lovely lady and produces some fantastic work.
        I have a more computer literate friend (Hey Jude, if you know her) helping but I’m still too slow 😦


      1. I just went over to Amy’s blog and commented over there too! This is such a great idea of yours Jo. I don’t know how to do that either with the comments, so much I’m still yet to learn here on WP, wish I could help 😦


  4. Jo – just a thought. If you want comments to be made on the original post i.e. Amy’s then you could disable commenting on this post, so she gets the comments not you. Nice reblog.- made me go and visit Amy’s site. Thanks. Now I’ll go and read your walk! Running slow this week.
    Jude xx


    1. Thanks for that, Jude. I don’t really like reblogging and the comments aspect always confuses me. Amy doesn’t use social media and it’s such a lovely post that I wanted to say ‘thank you’. Now- where will I find a comments disabler? 🙂


      1. If you edit your post and scroll down, on the left you see a check box for Discussion: Allow comments. Remove the tick and update the post. Then no-one will be able to comment on your post. xx


      2. Nope! I think I’ll give up, Jude. I don’t have a check box for discussion in Edit mode. Getting nothing else done so I’ll just leave it and bear it in mind if I reblog anything again. It’s not a favoured option of mine but I thought Amy deserved it. Many thanks for your kindness. 🙂


      3. It’s not on the menu at the left – it is under your post so you need to scroll down past the end of the post and writing helper / trackbacks. Sorry I probably misled you saying on the left!


    2. I understood you, Jude, but I don’t appear to have that option! Just ‘show likes’ – nothing related to comments 😦 I think it’s too late for this post- I’ve caused enough confusion. But I’ll think twice before I post next week. Thanks for your patience 🙂


      1. Amy has stacks of comments on her original post but the nice thing is that it gets people like you two together 🙂 As you say, there are always people whose comments you see around and about and think ‘I’ll go say hello- they sound interesting’ but often just haven’t time.
        Just back from a boozy lunch with my friend from Polish classes and have seen your emails but not yet responded. Thank you so much for taking the trouble. It’s much appreciated, Jude.

        Last night I was trying to watch tennis from Miami, react to this post and prepare a letter ‘L’ for Frizz. It all got to be too much and I gave up!.


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