Two of a kind

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Sitting side by side on a fence, these two, fluffy young birds didn’t seem to mind at all taking part in Becky’s October squares.  They must have known we would be kind and that they were going to be in great company this month.



  1. So, autumn is creeping up on us and you try to make it easier by giving us photos of two birds? Well, it worked. I feel better now!!


  2. I was watching carefully to see if there was just the one bird, but either it moved or there were definitely two. Shame you couldn’t get them together. Swallows by the looks of those tails. We didn’t see any swifts here again this summer and the last time I saw swallows was up in Scotland where Margaret has just been, I wonder why there weren’t any down here? And will the starlings will return? Even nature is confused by world events.


      1. So did you not see the azulejos on Saturday? They were rather nice. They work on my Huawei because I checked but I think on older phones they don’t. Sorry 🙄💕💕


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